Ever wondered why the fish that fishermen sell for 2,00 a kilo costs you 21,00 kilo?
Here is the breakdown about how the cost of North Sea Shrimp being sold in Belgium, Netherlands and France adds up:
Prices are in euro/kg.
- Paid to the fisherman pro landed kg 2,00
- Auction fees (NL) 0,33
- Purchase price whole shrimp by wholesaler 2,33
- 3 kg needed for 1 kg meat 6,99
- Peeling cost (included transport to and from Morocco – 5,20)
- Cost peeled shrimp entrance Dutch processing fac- 12,19 1
- Processor’s selling price 17,00 to 25,00Retail price (BE-DE-NL) 21,10 to 39,00
Source: Study, European Parliament, Brown shrimp fishery 2011