Why a lobbyist should not jump off Sears tower

I’ve met a lot of lobbyists who think they can base jump off the Sears Tower and live to tell the tale.

A few people in the world can take that jump and survive.



The people who can do it are exceptional performers.

If you want to understand how these peak performers got there and stay there alive, read Steven Kotler’s book.  The flow is real.


In truth, if you try it, you are going to be one of the many base jumpers who take the jump and die.  The list is not short.

That it is a political death is less grim. Nobody of standing will take your calls, listen to your case, and will put your letters and email in a pile marked ‘green ink’.

7 things you need to do

If you want to be taken seriously, you need to be:

  1. civil
  2. trusted
  3. a solution provider
  4. in time
  5. speak to the audience from their perspective
  6. able to communicate clearly
  7. provide a credible case

Only a few lobbyists manage this.  Too many act like a base jumper, leaping without a chute.