There are three places I’d recommend you look for good quality information on any public policy/regulatory issue.
First up, is the 10K SEC filings. Companies provide an unnervingly honest assessment of any legislative, policy or regulatory risks to their portfolio. This includes their operations in the EU.
Next up are deep dives by reputable think tanks. When they go deep, they go deep. If there is any point that needs to be forensically dissected, they’ll do it.
Finally, the OECD is the a treasure trove for the policy wonk. Many areas are looked at in deep detail, with lots of data, often clearly communicated.
And, most of this information and analysis is available for free, or just the time it takes you to read and digest it.
I use it for three reasons.
First, to understand a new issue.
Second, to see if I can find any good points that can be used to support a client’s case.
Finally, I always recommend doing opposition research on yourself/your client. You can see what the weak points are in your case, and address them ahead of time. If you don’t do this, the point you don’t want to be used will be used at the worst possible moment, and you’ll be left stranded. If your client is claiming collapse, but reporting record profits, your case will be weaker.
When I look under the rocks of 10K filings, think tank articles, and the OECD, I tend to find gem stones.
There is one other place I find better. That’s speaking with a world-class, independent, experts. They’ll often land up pinpointing just the right bit of information you need. They tend to be found in academia and think tanks.