What happens if you turn up late in the day

Even though the windows of opportunity to influence public policy and political decisions are clear, a lot of interests miss them.

I’m asked what happens if you miss the opportunities.

This is my answer.

If you miss the window to influence a decision you have lost your chance.

If it is public policy,  it means you are likely going to sit out the next 5 years or more  and wait for the item to come back on the agenda.

If it is a proposal from the Commission, if you miss the key window, when the Task Force agree a line, and then when the Cabinets agree to the line to take on a proposal, you have missed the chance.

This can be a few  months before formal adoption.

Your next chance is Inter-Service Consultation, even if the margin of maneuver is limited. That lasts between 48 hours or 10 days.

If you miss this chance, you need to get your position in front of the EP and Council.

In terms of timing, I have 8 weeks from the proposal coming out the door until you are knocking on the door of the Rapporteurs/Shadow Rapporteurs, Member State neogitiation  teams (ideally back home).

If you are still  just waking up from hibernation, check the timetable  of when your issue(s) is in front of the lead Committee, Council Working Group, and when the decisions are being taken.

If you  miss those moments, don’t be surprised if you don’t get what you want. A lot of people don’t get they want.



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