The Right to Commit Political Suicide

Most countries have legalised the right of an person to committ suicide (e.g here).

These laws do not allow you to drag down innocent passer-by’s in your actions or to encourage others to perform the act.

Over 25 years, I’ve wtinessed many organisations and people committ political suicide. Often in public. It is never pretty.

There should be nothing against an organisation or person performing what amounts to political suicide. If a person or  organisation wants to do something that will politically ostracise them for decades to come, that is their right.

Many have embraced political ostracism and to this day walk alone in the political wildernesss for decades.  You can find them loitering  on the sidelines of fringe political interests and think tanks.

But, such people should not seek to persuade others to join them in their actions.

At, the very least, they should fully disclose the risks of the actions they are proposing. And, for good measure, should indemnify finacially those they seek to bring down with them.

At the very least, before others join them on their foolhardy jumping off the political cliff, the instigato should outline in all honesty the chances of survivingg jumping off a 500 ft cliff with no parachute.

If, and only then, others choose to volunatraily and with knowledge to join a reneactment of a Jonestown pact, so be it.







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