The excellent advice of Mortimer J. Adler

If you want to become a better lobbyist, you’d be well advised to read and apply the ideas of the late Mortimer J Adler.

Adler’s advice on better speaking, listening, writing and reading are as helpful today as they were  first published in 1940 and 1983.

On Better Listening and Speaking

Mortimer Adler’s book “How to Speak, How to Listen” is a guide to improving communication skills. A lot of lobbyists think they can speak clearly and persuasively. I am sceptical about this. But too many are poor listeners.

In the book, Adler outlines a number of ideas that he believes are essential for effective speaking and listening. Some of the main ideas in the book include:

  1. The importance of understanding: Adler emphasizes the importance of understanding what others are saying, as well as being understood by others. He recommends asking questions and seeking clarification when necessary in order to achieve this understanding.
  2. The importance of preparation: Adler recommends preparing well in advance for both speaking and listening. This includes doing research, organizing your thoughts, and anticipating questions or objections.
  3. The importance of clarity: Adler believes that good communication requires clarity in both speaking and listening. He recommends using simple, straightforward language and avoiding jargon or technical terms that may not be understood by the audience.
  4. The importance of empathy: Adler believes that good communication involves being able to see things from another person’s perspective. He recommends practising empathy in order to better understand and connect with others.
  5. The importance of feedback: Adler recommends seeking feedback to improve your communication skills. This can involve asking for feedback from others or observing yourself during communication to identify areas for improvement.

How many of these things do lobbyists do? Do we all speak clearly and listen so carefully?


On Writing


As a lobbyist, you are going to spend a lot of time writing. You may as well make it clear, concise, and understandable for the reader.  Adler gives some good advice.

  1. Clearly defining the purpose of your writing: Adler believed that it was important for writers to clearly define their purpose before beginning to write. This includes considering who the intended audience is and what the writer hopes to accomplish with their writing.
  2. Organizing your ideas: Adler believed that good writing is well-organized and easy to follow. He recommended using an outline or other organizational tool to ensure that your ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manner.
  3. Using clear and concise language: Adler emphasized the importance of using clear and concise language in writing. This means avoiding jargon and unnecessary words, and being as specific as possible.
  4. Paying attention to grammar and style: Adler believed that good writing should be free of errors in grammar and style. He recommended paying attention to these details in order to make your writing more effective and professional.
  5. Revising and editing: Adler believed that good writing is the result of careful revision and editing. He recommended taking the time to review and revise your writing in order to improve its clarity and effectiveness.

On Reading

You are going to spend a lot of time reading legislative proposals, amendments, and position papers. It would save you a lot of time and avoiding mistakes if you follow Adler’s advice on reading.


In his book “How to Read a Book,”  he outlines several different types of reading that he believes are important for understanding complex texts. These types of reading include:

  1. Analytic reading: This involves breaking down a text into smaller parts and analyzing each part individually. It is a more detailed and in-depth approach to reading that focuses on understanding the structure and components of a text.
  2. Synoptic reading: This involves reading and understanding a text in its entirety, rather than focusing on individual parts or sections. It is a holistic approach to reading that looks for connections and themes that may not be immediately apparent.
  3. Critical reading: This involves evaluating the argument and evidence presented in a text and determining its credibility. It requires the reader to think critically about the text and consider whether the author’s arguments are well-supported and convincing.
  4. Recreational reading: This involves reading for enjoyment and relaxation, rather than for a specific purpose or to learn something new. Recreational reading can be a fun and enjoyable way to engage with a text, but it may not involve the same level of critical analysis as other types of reading.

Overall, Adler believed that it was important for individuals to be able to engage in all of these types of reading in order to be able to effectively understand and analyze complex texts.


You would not want to read a proposal and erroneously believed your client is outside of the scope of the proposal because you skimmed through the text superficially.