The 3 things to watch on environmental policy this week

Three Things I’ll be Watching for this Week

  1. On Thursday morning, the Environment Committee will launch two comitology challenges on MRLs.  The challenges are tabled by the usual alliance of the: S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, and The Left. These two votes will give an indication of the balance of power in the Committee and whether progressive political interests have the majority.
  2. On Wednesday, the names of the Commissioner-designates should be published. There will be a lot of focus on who is getting the chance to lead the roles. It has been a long time since a Commissioner asked for the Environment portfolio.
  3. What I’ll be looking out for is the publication of the Mission Letters. This will give a good idea of the next 5 years of work on chemicals and envirionment policy looks like.

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