Rule 2: Keep the Misogynists away

There is nothing more chilling to the ear to hear these words in a meeting “Please let me explain how these things work Madam”.
If you hear those words from one of your colleagues, I can only hope that a fire alarm goes off and the meeting ends. If not, cut the meeting off, apologise and leave.
I’ve witnessed too many displays to think it is random. There are too many misogynists who walk among us.
I first encountered it working for Anita Pollack MEP. A corporate delegation provided a masterclass in misogyny 101. As soon as the words “Let me explain these things to you Madam” were spoken, a chill downp my back, and the air went cold. As befitted a Australian Feminist Socialist politician she responded in a clear and direct way. One of the industry delegation performed peace keeping efforts would have put the UN’s best peace negotiators to shame, and the meeting resumed.
Just as I think this group has died out, I encounter cases. It does not seem to matter that the person is a senior or a junior Commission official.
And, if you happen to be in rare men only meeting, be careful. It is hard to forget a meeting when someone took it upon themselves to criticise an official to another official, being oblivious that he was criticising his wife.
Now, I realise some read the Handmaid’s Tale as a play book for today. But, if you have them on your team, keep them locked away for external meetings. They’ll harm your case.