How is a Commissioner Appointed. What Happened for Mr. Timmermans back in 2019.

I wanted to re-trace the steps that led to the confirmation of the first von der Leyen Commission and the appointement of Commissioner Mr. Timmermans as First-Vice President for the Green Deal.

It may be of use to see what happens next.


What Happened under VDL I

2 July 2019: European Council proposes candicacy of von der Leyen.

16 July 2019: Ursula von der Leyen elected 383 members voted in favour, 327 against, and 22 abstained. Political Guidelines published.

19 July 2019: President-elect von der Leyen writes to EU Leaders for  candidates for  Commissioner.

24 July 2019:  Dutch Government nominate Mr. Timmermans as the Dutch  candidate.

August: President-elect interviews candidates.

9 September 2019: von der Leyen approves the draft list of Commissioners-designate provided to her by the Council of the European Union.COUNCIL DECISION, taken by common accord with the President-elect of the Commission, adopting the list of the other persons whom the Council proposes for appointment as Members of the Commission

10 September 2019: Mission Letter President-elect, Von der leyen puts forward team.

8 October 20219: Hearing of Executive Vice President-designate Frans Timmermans ENVI Commitee

9 October 2019: EVI  Committee approves Commissioner Timmermans nomination.

27 November 2019: European Parliament approves Commissioners 461 votes to 157 against, with 89 abstentions

1 December 2019: Mission Letter President of the European Commission

29 January 2020: First Work Programme


What Changes Got Made to the Mission Letter


In my areas I could not find any real differences, so I asked for Chat GPT’s help and here is the answer:

I have analyzed the contents of the two documents, and here is a summary of the differences between them:

1.Date of the Document:

•The first document is dated 10 September 2019.

•The second document is dated 1 December 2019.

2.Title of Ursula von der Leyen:

•In the September document, Ursula von der Leyen is referred to as the President-elect of the European Commission.

•In the December document, she is referred to as the President of the European Commission.

3.Formatting and Presentation:

•There are slight differences in the formatting and presentation of the content, such as paragraph spacing and structure. However, the main content remains largely similar.

4.Specific Content Changes:

•The December document contains some updated language and wording to reflect Ursula von der Leyen’s official position after assuming office.

•For example, the December version includes some additional specific directives and more finalized plans on topics such as the European Climate Law and the extension of the Emissions Trading System.


•In the September document, Ursula von der Leyen signs as President-elect, while in the December document, she signs as President.

These differences primarily reflect the transition from her status as President-elect to officially holding office and some minor updates and clarifications to the content. The core mission and responsibilities outlined in the letters remain consistent.


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