How can you find out how laws are in made in Brussels

A lot of people come to Brussels to work. Quite a few hold themselves out as lobbyists and expert consultants.

I am perplexed at how many people who hold themselves out advising on EU law making have never worked on the passage of   a law. I spent a lot of time in hospitals. My phyiscal proximity to medical doctors does not make me a medical doctor.

There are 2 easy ways to accumulate the expertise:

  1. 10 year apprenticisehip passing laws and/or influencing the adoption of laws
  2. After the apprenticeship, constantly updating your learning

If you think the apprenticeship model is outdated, that’s fine. Robert Greene (link) shows why you are wrong.Lawyers and medical doctors still use it.

Brussels Behind closed doors will  you good impression of how laws are made in Brussels. It is not West Wing. It may be dated, but it is accurate.



Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3



Episode 1 Link

Episode 2 link

Episode 3 link