Where does the EP fisheries committee stand on the issues

The CFP Reform was carried by a huge majority.

502 voted for reform and 137 voted against it.

It was a crushing defeat for Alain Cadec and Werner Kuhn who had led the charge to block an overhaul of the CFP. The

You can see how the MEPs voted  here.

The Fisheries Committee passed the reform by 13 For, 10 Against, and 2 Abstentions.  The Chair of the Committee seemed so surprised about the result he needed to re-do the votes a few times!

I wanted to check how the returning MEPs voted on CFP Reform. It gives a good idea how many opponents of reform are still in place and who could block it.



Who Voted for the Reform

  1. Walesa
  2. Rodust
  3. Lovin
  4. Hudghton
  5. Bilbao
  6. Grobarczyk


Who Voted Against the Reform

  1. Cadec
  2. Thomas
  3. Le Pen
  4. Kuhn
  5. Ferreira
  6. Van Dalen

Who Abstained

  1. Mato Adrover
  2. Dodds


The Fisheries Committee is a recent new comer to handling legislation with the Council as an equal.

As with any Committee it must find the balance between representing local and special interests and the general view of the whole Parliament. Any Committee that does not get the balance right,  will find their positions habitually voted down by the full Parliament. That would be a dangerous precedent to set.