If you don’t want to leave things to chance or hope that your memory is working effectively when you need it, you’ll rely on checklists/SOPs (standard Operating procedures), templates and good examples.If your work involves delegating to colleagues, you’ll follow up with loom videos, showing how you perform those tasks.
Every time I get asked a question about a procedure, I simply turn to my folder, and follow the checklist and SOP. It is an idea I took from Atul Gawande in his book Checklist. It is something surgeons and pilots use. You don’t want your lobbyist playing a youthful debutante on an procedure that is key for you.
Now, I’ve taken this to extreme. I’ve found it the best way to identify any gaps on advisory work. Systemising good practice rather than leaving it to the creative fairies to channel their thoughts when I most need them just seems sensible.
Of course, it removes a lot of the chaos, excitement, whirlwind out of the work. You’ll soon discover that the procedure you are dealing with is not unique. If you follow the right steps, the chances of getting a good outcome, increase. Embracing chaos leads to defeat.
Every time I prepare a Checklist/SOP I ask for feedback from those who know more about the procedure. Each time I learn something useful and add a useful step.
Here is the list of checklists, SOPs, templates, good examples, and some Loom videos showing the product being produced, that I have. It will be different for the area you work on. Mine reflects my practice of working on chemicals.
Ordinary legislation: Monster granular chart
Delegated acts: Monster granular chart
Implementing acts: Monster granular chart
RPS Measures: Monster granular chart
Specific stages
Preparation of Strategic Agenda
Preparation of Political Guidelines
Preparing of aAnnual Work Plan
Decide entry
Preparation of an Impact Assessment
Inter-Service Consultation
Tabling of Amendments – EP
Tabling of Amendments – Council
4 Column document recommendations
Corrigendum procedure
Scrutiny and challenges of Delegated Acts: EP
Scrutiny and challenges Delegated Acts: Council
Scrutiny and challenges Implementing Acts: EP
Scrutiny and challenges of RPS Measures: EP
Scrutiny and challenges RPS Measures: Council
Complaint to the Ombudsman
Challenge to European Court
TRIS Notification
Area specific procedures
CLH classification
CLH Classification impacts
REACH Restriction
REACH Authorisation
REACH Substance Evaluation
POP listing
Briefings and feedback
You’ll spend a lot of time drafting feedback. I have cheklists/SOPs for:
Policy memo
Position Paper
Policy Presentation
Feedback to Public Consultation
Briefing for a meeting with a MEP
Briefing for a meeting with a Commissioner
Briefing for a meeting an official
Elevator Pitch
Specific agency consultation feedback
Presentation to a scientific panel
Deconstructing a proposal
Handing over a proposal to a colleague who is new to working on legislative, policy, and regulatory proposals, and asking for an accurate assessment of what it contains, and getting the right answer is unlikely unless you have given them a checklist/SOP. These are the main products I’d recommend:
Understanding a proposal : reading a proposal/law
Keeping on top of your issue in the legislative process: tracking the changes from the EP and Council
Understanding a scientific regulatory proposal
Understanding the opinion of a scientific regulatory body
Reviewing public consultation feedback for ordinary legislation
Reviewing public consultation feedback for a scientific regulatory proposal
Reviewing a Court Judgement
A Pop Up Office
It can be taken to the organising your lobbying practice. There are some products that you’ll produce a lot of, that I find useful to have checklists, SOPs, templates and good examples at hand for:
Accurate list of your Work in Progress. List of legislative, political, policy, and regulatory procedures that will/may impact you
Outlook assessment for next 6-12 months
Issue Tracker
Your position: Internal
Position summary: External
Your supporting material: evidence, shadow impact assessment, legislative language, public policy solution
Overview Timetable for combined Work In Progress
Lobby plan: focus on next 6 months
Resources needed for each Work in Progress, signed off
Position paper
You’ll spend a lot of time in external, client and internal meetings.
Meetings – External
Rehearsal with client before hand
Key message(s) for meeting and supporting evidence
Leave behind for external meeting
Invite letter/email
Record of meeting
Meeting minute external
Material for external meeting: that will be in the public domain
Profile of people attending
Agreed agenda for meeting
Follow up actions and tracker
Thank you note – 24 hours
Meetings Internal
Agenda: Sent 48 hours in advance
Pre-reads Sent 48 hours in advance
Follow up tracker
Client meetings
Work in Progress Tracker
Issue update
Debate summary and follow up
Media monitor
Media engagement action list
Media plan
Pre-agreed Quote
Press Release – pre-agreed
Client/Donor relation management
Working with your client or donor, you’ll find it useful to have Checklists/SOPs, templates, and good examples for the regular products you need to produce:
Activity Plan 6-12 months
Activity report monthly
Budget tracker
Activity tracker
Annual / 6 month Report to board