The new database on implementing acts – a trial run

On 28 October 2020, the European Commission upgraded the Comitology Register. From now on the public can follow on the line the adoption of implementing acts. Every year, around 1600 pieces of laws by way of implementing acts. The Commission adopts these laws after going through a  committee made up of representatives from the Member … Read more

Who voted for and against the Veggie Burger Ban

1.               A8-0198/2019 – Eric Andrieu – Am 165 23/10/2020 12:05:35.402     284 +     ECR:           Aguilar, Berlato, Bielan, Brudziński, Buxadé Villalba, Czarnecki, de la Pisa Carrión, Dzhambazki, Fidanza, Fiocchi, Fitto, Fotyga, Fragkos, Geuking, Jaki, Jurgiel, Karski, Kempa, Kloc, Kopcińska, Krasnodębski, Kruk, Kuźmiuk, Legutko, Mazurek, Melbārde, Możdżanowska, Poręba, Procaccini, Rafalska, Ruissen, Rzońca, Saryusz-Wolski, Slabakov, … Read more

Fishing subsidies winners

Fishing Ministers and the a small majority of MEPs on the Fishing Committee want to allow taxpayers’ euros to be spent building new boats for private companies. Here are some of the vessels that EU and national taxpayers paid for before the corporate welfare was banned.