Labour’s John Cruddas Channels the Pope?

  I have just been sent a priceless gem. Labour has always had its fair share of Roman Catholic voters. A lot of that is down to the Irish vote and Labour’s support of a United Ireland. But, it was nice to see that John Cruddas MP and the former Pope are together on many … Read more

How business often reacts on the environment

Today I was told this joke: ” Two businessmen are arrested for eco-crimes, convicted of course, and condemned to death by the EPA firing squad. They’d lead out, tied to the post at which point one of the two lashes out: “We’re not criminals, we make affordable quality products that have made the world a … Read more

Stop the Press – Stop Environment Regulation

All is not well in the environment world. President Barroso has awoken from his slumber, or something from his Cabinet has, and become angry with Commissioner Janez Potočnik.   So angry, that it seems they have ordered that all the Slovenia’s “new ideas” and proposals are stalled and killed off. This is a rare move. … Read more

Spainish Illegally Fishing – What A Shocker

Now, I wonder if the amounts of fish being deducted will be the same amount the Iceland’s took unilaterally. Midday Express: Fisheries: Commission announces deductions to Spanish mackerel quota Further to overfishing by Spain of its mackerel quota in 2009, the European Commission has decided on a deduction scheme for future Spanish quotas. Following a … Read more