The books to read

In any area, there will be key books that you’ll find useful to read to better understand the issue. I’ve found that is no better way to grasp the core of an issue than reading books and papers. The benefit of reading a lot is a good idea made by Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet. … Read more

Do your position papers persuade?

A lot of time in Brussels is spent developing and drafting position papers. The question I’d like to ask you is ‘do they persuade the people they are meant to?’. I am sure that the people who write them think they are persuasive. And, if your audience is an echo chamber, it may well persuade. … Read more

Keep learning

In the Easter holiday, I am going to do Jim Kwik’s course ‘Superbrain Quest’. It is a course to help you improve your memory and  productivity. Two useful skills for any busy lobbyist.   I’ll let you know how how things go week by week here.  

Steven Kotler teaches the key skills any lobbyist needs

  If you are a lobbyist you need passion, perseverance, and grit. These are key skills that you can pick up. You can learn them.  Steven Kotler’s course at MindValley, ‘The Habit of Ferocity’, is not a course explicitly designed for lobbyists, but it may as well have been.  Kotler goes through the skills you … Read more