Rule 3: Don’t be rude to people

There seems no better way to destroy support and dissolve hard won trust than to be rude to them. It is a problem when someone is being rude, abusive or threatening to the person making or influencing a decision. Now, I know there must be some cultures where being rude and abusive about people, to … Read more

Rule 2: Keep the Misogynists away

There is nothing more chilling to the ear to hear these words in a meeting “Please let me explain how these things work Madam”. If you hear those words from one of your colleagues, I can only hope that a fire alarm goes off and the meeting ends. If not, cut the meeting off, apologise … Read more

Rules of Lobbying: Rule 1 – Know the Procedures

I want to pass on a few decades (27 + years_  of observations and experience about what I’ve found works in lobbying. Many of these Rules are about avoiding pitfalls of thinking that self-sabotage when it comes to campaigning and lobbying. These are ways to avoid fuzzy thinking, emotional outbursts and many other actions that … Read more