When you don’t need a lobby plan

  Rewatching David Axelrod and Karl Rove’s excellent Masterclass on campaigning, I was struck by the wisdom of Karl Rove: “First come the message and the theme. But, after you have agreed on what the message is, and what the theme is, you then need to sit down and write out a plan … If you … Read more

Accept political reality

A wonderful Afrikaans anti-apartheid libertarian taught me something valuable a  long time ago. He told me there are three lines, no-one should straight out believe:   1. “The cheque is in the post. 2. I’ll respect you in the morning. 3.  We are the government, and we are here to help.” Over time, I  added … Read more

How you can to improve your thinking by writing

A lobbyist in Brussels who can write clearly and persuasively is valuable. Few can. Most writing in the Brussels bubble is gibberish. How you can persuade through writing This is strange. Lobbying is about persuasion. Perhaps the most effective way to persuade a decision-maker or influencer is by sending them a well written, clear and … Read more