What steps can a young lobbyist take?

Yesterday, Daniel Guegen invited me to speak to some his College of Europe students.  His students are fortunate. They have a master practitioner teaching them how most EU laws are adopted. Daniel and the students asked me some challenging questions. I’ll try and summarise my responses to some of their good questions. Maybe there is … Read more

Who’s Your Audience? What every lobbyist needs to know.

The basic law of lobbying is the same as for direct response advertising  “Don’t write or say anything until you determine who your audience is.” Lobbyists can learn a lot from direct response advertising. Your job as a lobbyist is to persuade people who make or influence public policy. It is not to convert, cajole or to socialise … Read more

21 things you need in your lobby plan

21 things you need  in your lobby plan   A friend asked me why I am keep mentioning the importance of lobby plans and what is in them. I think they are key for three reasons. First, I can’t remember every person who is going to a make or influence a key decision. I think the only … Read more