An equation for lobbying success

If you want to win in lobbying, there are few things you need to right. As an equation it would look like: P+P+P+S+R+S+S or Politics + People + Process + Solution(s) + Research + Skills + System An evergreen equation? Politics You’ve got to understand the politics driving the issue. You are dealing with law … Read more

Why a lobbyist should not jump off Sears tower

I’ve met a lot of lobbyists who think they can base jump off the Sears Tower and live to tell the tale. A few people in the world can take that jump and survive.     The people who can do it are exceptional performers. If you want to understand how these peak performers got … Read more

What to do when your encounter the denial of reality

Denial of political reality is common in Brussels. There must be something in the foul air or a large political distortion force field covering the city. If you don’t deny political reality, you may be surprised by the protestations of others. They see the sky outside as blue, you see clouds and hail storm. Don’t … Read more

When to step in if you want to influence a Commission proposal

Recently, someone asked me about the positive influence of an interest on a policy issue I have long experience in. My initial response was that they had none. The person who asked the question seemed surprised. I double-checked. The people in charge of the file in the Commission and EP had no record of the … Read more