How to spot when your lobbyist is bluffing

  One of the professional pleasures as a lobbyist  is to help guide a client  to understand an issue. After they utter, “Now, I get it”  they often  follow up  “Why do I now understand it, so and so make it seem really complicated” My answer goes along the following lines. Bluffing works. It’s easier … Read more

Why Lobbyists need to embrace detachment

The Stoics emphasise the need for detachment. You should look at things as they are, and focus on the things that are only within your control. The Jesuits embrace a similar ideal: “We must make ourselves indifferent to all created things, as far as we are allowed… Consequently…we should not prefer health to sickness, riches to poverty, honor … Read more

A consolidated post on lobbying

Over the last few years, I have posted some blog posts about lobbying and campaigning.  They are in well-worn areas: fisheries, environment and secondary legislation.  I blog for one simple reason.  If I want to better understand an issue, the best way I know to do it is by writing. I find it easier to think … Read more

Why scientific research used in regulation needs peer review from hell

In 1997, I found myself getting the first Europe wide directive on Particulate Matter pollution onto Europe’s law books. I was young, progressive, and eager to get a piece of legislation adopted under the nearly elected Blair Labour government. There I learned that if any side funds scientific research that is going to be used … Read more