The case for a shadow impact assessment

Reading the transcripts of the confirmation hearings it is clear that the next Commission is going to be different from the next. From the many commitments given by Commissioner-designates, there are going to be a lot more legislative proposals being put forward. One constant is that many of the proposals are going to still go … Read more

Treat the cause, stupid

Do you want your doctor to treat the cause or symptom? If you go to a hospital with a spike through your leg, you don’t expect the doctors to give some pain medication for the symptoms and send you home. No, you expect them to treat the cause, remove the spike in your leg,  repair … Read more

When is all is politically lost, don’t forget the law

However good a lobbyist you are, you are going to lose.  Sometimes, you won’t be able to persuade officials and politicians to back your case. Your client’s case may be politically hopeless,  or your political opponents too strong. You need to be able to cope with loss. It’s part of your work. Even when you … Read more

How to spot when your lobbyist is bluffing

  One of the professional pleasures as a lobbyist  is to help guide a client  to understand an issue. After they utter, “Now, I get it”  they often  follow up  “Why do I now understand it, so and so make it seem really complicated” My answer goes along the following lines. Bluffing works. It’s easier … Read more