A checklist for dealing with Cabinet officials

There are a lot of proposals going through inter-service consultation at the moment.  Most of them will never make it to the College’s agenda. They are agreed to by the Services and the Cabinets by way of written procedure. So, if you want to influence what comes out the door, you are going to have … Read more

What will you do when the tidal wave hits?

Looking at the upcoming political agenda of the Commission, it is obvious that a tidal wave of biblical proportions of ambitious climate and environmental legislation is coming.     Whilst the signs are there – Political Guidelines, Green Deal Communication – a lot of people see the next five years as much the same as … Read more

50 Principles for a Lobbyist

50 Principles for a Lobbyist   In the last few months, I have been asked about  what I have learned about lobbying. So, after more than 20 years, here are my 50 principles I try and follow.   Like people. Like politicians and officials – you’ll going be spending a lot of time with them. … Read more

A rule for a radical lobbyist – only do external meetings

As a lobbyist, you are going to spend a lot of time in meetings. I find the most effective way to promote your case is meeting the officials, politicians and political aides who are drafting the policy and law. This is easy to do. Phone them up or email and ask for a meeting.  There … Read more