Why Rove Rove is right – you need a campaign plan

David Axelrod and Karl Rove give a Master Class on Campaign Strategy and Messaging. Karl Rove segment about the “Campaign Plan” is full of superb advice. Below is a transcript of much, although not all, of those 8 minutes and 10 seconds. The advice he gives is as relevant if you are doing a public … Read more

The right to political suicide

In most countries, suicide is not illegal. It is recognised that a free-thinking person can make their own choices, even the ultimate choice. The same goes in lobbying. People can choose to commit to steps that amount to political suicide. It’s quite common and often performed in public. It is never a pleasant spectacle. A … Read more

A basic rule for all lobbyists

A basic principle for lobbyists  is ‘be legal, decent and truthful’ I am reading the excellent ‘Marketing Communications’ by PR Smith and Ze Zook. It mentions the basic electoral law and advertising principles:  ‘be legal, decent, honest and truthful’. It’s a basic principle of lobbying. It seems like a no-brainer.  Still, some politicians, the Leave … Read more