Why lobbyists needs to celebrate success

Whether you are campaigning or lobbying for change, you are not going to get everything that you want. If you start off in the mistaken belief that “it is all or nothing”, you are going to most of the time find yourself  deeply disappointed picking up nothing. Any experienced legislator, knows that the price of … Read more

Why you need to bring a solution to the table

If you want to be taken seriously in lobbying in Brussels, you need to come to the table with a solution. The solution should be: Workable Credible Supported by real evidence Written down on paper Available /shared in advanced Be backed by respected peers, and Have accompanying legislative text Why would you not do this … Read more

10 good reasons why lobby plans won’t work

I’ve long backed the use of a lobby plan. I realise the idea has limits.  Below are some limits and how to avoid them.   10 things to TIA If you are preparing a lobby plan, you need to go through some simple steps. 1.  You need to define what  your goal is. What do … Read more

Are you working on the wrong problem?

Don’t Avoid the Root Problem As a campaigner and lobbyist, I spent many years working on solutions to the wrong problems.  By ignoring the root cause/problem, I helped bring about solutions, that did not prevent the real problem returning. As I got older, I learned that if you avoid the root problem, you are going … Read more