The most effective, yet least used, lobbying techniques I know

There are two lobbying techniques that are extremely effective in persuading officials and politicians to support you.  They are  rarely used in Brussels. The most popular model A lot of lobbyiing seems to amount to a variation of  one of two  stories. Story 1: If you do this, my industry’s profits will collapse, even though … Read more

The best advice I’ve seen about meetings – from Edward Tufte

I’ve been re-reading Edward Tufte’s ‘Seeing With Fresh Eyes. Meaning, Space, Data and Truth’ (2020) Chapter 8 deals with Smarter Presentations and Shorter Meetings. In a town that has long meetings and comlex presentations,Tufte’s advice is unknown to many, but it is worth sharing. “The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has … Read more

What happens if you wake up too late in the game

Note: This applies if you work in a company, NGO or trade association. You may have inherited a new role and are put in charge of lobbying on your company’s files. Congratulations. Something that seems to occur with too frequent regularity is that an important decision or law is going to be made  (figuratively) tomorrow. … Read more

A Checklist for a Chemical Lobbyist

After many years working on substance lobbying, here are some of the most useful lessons learned in a checklist:    Turn up. I am always surprised when people ignore the invite to be an observer and get annoyed when the opinion goes against them. Step in at the right time. Know the procedures as they … Read more