A checklist for position papers

A lot of position papers are drafted in Brussels. Done well, they are one seful tool to make your case. Too often they serve the purpose of getting internal buy-in, more an acclamation of faith, than any sincere attempt to persuade decision-makers to back your case. If you want to draft persuasive position papers that … Read more

How to Pass Clean Air Legislation

I’ve just re-watched an old Channel 4 documentary on how the first EU wide clean air law got through in 1997. The 3 episodes follow the adoption of  Directive 1999/30/EC. It still is the most realistic fly on the wall series I have watched on how EU law really is passed. I did not re-watch … Read more

Lessons in Lobbying 8 – Don’t use the same game play in Brussels that you use in D.C, or any other political capital.

A friend phoned me up about an organisation they wanted to donate to. They wanted to support bringing about policy change in an area the EU were active in. Below is a summary of my advice. How political decisions are made, and how to influence those decisions, varies between political capitals. How Washington D.C. and … Read more