What’s Changed in Europe’s Fisheries Policy

 A Greek Revolutionary Who Delivered Change Commissioner Damanaki acheived what many people, including me, thought not possible. She pulled off a real reform of Europe’s Common Fisheries Policy. She ignored her critics, whether they were in DG MARE who opposed tooth and nail the discards ban, Commissioner Barnier whose services waterted down DG MARE’s proposal … Read more

Richard Benyon on Reform

The UK’s House of Lords caught up with the UK Fisheries Minister, Richard Benyon MP, on 5 June, to talk about the deal reached a few days earlier. Richard Benyon has been a champion of reform. He’s pushed the fight forward, often in a way that seemed more progressive than the ministry would have opted … Read more

It’s 3:30 am – It’s Time To Agree

There are only a few things that grown adults can be any good at doing in the early hours of a Thursday morning. And, law making is not one of them. 3:30 am – Time to Agree On Thursday 30 May  at 3:30 am a deal was struck on the reform of Europe’s Fishing Policy. … Read more

Reform We Can – Fishing Reform

Change We Can This morning around 3:30 am politicians in Europe struck a deal to reform Europe’s fisheries. It’s a large step forward. Some will say it is not perfect, but nothing ever made of human hands, let alone from the hands of politicians, ever is. But, it is a major step forward. The FT … Read more