Find the right map – dealing with chemical law making

As a lobbyist your job is going to be full of variety. Given that variety, it helps to have the right ‘map’ to guide you through your journey. EU law making is not fast. It is full of opportunities to intervene and make your case. During your journey, you’ll need a detailed paper or electronic … Read more

What to do if you have only 4 weeks to turn things around?

Around 97% of the laws the EU adopts each year are secondary legislation. Unlike ordinary legislation, most of the time the College of Commissioners are blind to what’s being put out the door in their name. Rarely, when dealing  with politically sensitive files, like the Fuel Quality Directive and the Endocrine Disruptor Criteria, the College … Read more

What happens to unfinished legislative business

The best way to limit the European Parliament going too far is not to give them any proposals to work on. That at least appeared to be the thinking behind the Juncker Commission in November 2014. Juncker’s Commission brought forward the least amount of proposals since President Santer in 1999. He spoke with passion about … Read more

Categories EU

Environment Ministers look to influence Commission’s Agenda

People think that not much happens in Brussels in August. I have always thought it’s the most important time of year. I do so for one simple reason.  By the end of August, the Commission’s Work Programme and President’s State of the Union speech for 12 September is ready. A handful of officials have the … Read more

Categories EU