Commissioner Barnier – In Whose Interests Does He Act

A College of Cardinals For Europe – the College of Commissioners European Commissioners are meant to act in the general interest of Europe.  Their very generous salary package and pension is just one way that avoiding the genouritsty and lure of national and specials interests when they leave office. An Oath of Loyal and Independent … Read more

Is there Something Worse Than Smoking?

Smoking – No 1 Pariah? I have just finished reading Charles Murray’s latest book about the state of white America. An interesting observation is that smoking has a pariah like status for America’s upper middle class. I suspect that similar views are held by Europe’s upper middle class. His central premise is  that America’s upper middle … Read more

Categories EU

A Real Radical Option for an European Environmental Agenda

I get the feeling that the DG Environment has last its way. From a political and legislative power house of the Commission in the 1990s and first decade of the 21st century, it has backed away. Until a 7th Environmental Action Programme is adopted, the only clear, although not perhaps coherent record of what Europe’s … Read more