A deeper look into the PVC and lead Restriction vote

I wanted to dig into the vote against the challenge against the Restriction on lead and PVC. Unfortunately, not all votes in plenary or the Committee are roll-called votes.  Hopefully, one day, the EP will get around to that. There was no roll call on the final vote, but there was a vote on an … Read more

Why Commission wants to avoid public scrutiny of the 15th ATP

The feedback from the public consultation can be useful. It can raise points officials don’t like to hear and show that an issue is more sensitive than they ever thought. Sunlight in lawmaking is healthy but some people think it gives a bad skin rash. Due to the switch over of CLP ATP updates to … Read more

Comitology update – TiO2 challenge

Yesterday, the full Parliament held one of the rare pure-play comitology challenges.   Result: Vote 177 for, 434 against, and 39 abstentions. There was no roll call so we won’t get a break down as how each MEP voted. Case Study It was a rare vote. First, it is the second case when a challenge … Read more