How Did the EPP Vote on the Green Deal

I wanted to check how much the EPP had supported President von der Leyen’s Green Deal agenda. Using the previous list of files I used the excellent toolbox provided by EUmatrix and looked at how the EPP voted. The EPP were big allies of the Green Deal.  They are part of the mainstream political forces … Read more

The few moments in the legislative journey that count

I wanted to better understand how much change happens to a legislative proposal after the Commission tables it. I chose a few proposals I know reasonably well: air pollution, CLP, Eco-design, and Urban Waste Water. I looked at a few key moments in time: First, the vote in the Committee. Second, the EP’s vote on … Read more

What shifts public policy thinking in the EU

I keep a small library of persuasive material organisations use in the EU. Here are 4 examples that have moved the needle in public policy thinking. If you have other examples that have led key decision-makers in the Commission, Member States or EP to shift their thinking after reading a report, please let me know. … Read more