New Labour in Europe: Leadership and Lost Opportunities

Last night, I attended the book launch for  Anita Pollack’s  launch for her latest book on the history of the UK Labour Party in the European Parliament from 1997 to 2010. Richard Corbett MEP and Ernst Stetter from FEPS.   I had the pleasure of working for Anita in the hey days of New Labour … Read more

Discrimination is Just silly

I am enjoying Robert Caro’s biography “The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York“. I picked up the book on a recommendation.Caro is an excellent writer who has taken the craft of biography to the highest level. I’ll write a longer book summary later when I have finished, it is over 1,000 … Read more

The Rational Optimist – Why Today So Many Are So Prosperous

The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves by Matt Ridley The main message of the book is that the world is getting better. We humans keep finding amazing ways to solve great challenges. Billions of people now lives that were until recently the preserve of only the great Kings and Queens. Sure, there are still too many people … Read more

How A Kiwi Saved His Country Going Broke

New Zealand is a very prosperous, free, and content country. As recently as the 1980s, it was not.  Radical free market reforms helped make it a better place. And, those changes were introduced by a Labour government. I have been interested in how these radical reforms happened. Why was there no rioting in the streets? … Read more