Some personal thoughts on the EU’s Cancer Strategy.

Several weeks ago I went to a talk from the Commission about their Cancer Strategy.

I gave my apologies to the organiser and left early. The Commission’s representative contribution was so lamentable that I considered if this was the best the Commission could do, it would be better if they did nothing at all.

The Commission’s launched its Public Consultation on their ‘Cancer Beating Plan’ (link).

As someone who knows way too much about cancer from personal experience, and likes Better Regulation, I thought it right to share my thoughts. You can find them here and below.


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Does the Commission have to follow the scientific advice?

Do the Commission exercise their discretion under Article 37(5) CLP   The Commission has the inherent flexibility and the flexibility provided by the CLP Regulation how they incorporate RAC opinions into the ATP.   Article 37(5) of CLP (link) Article 37(5) of the CLP spells out how the Commission are meant to take forward the … Read more

The case to hand over the data for Impact Assessments

I am a strong believer in putting forward a robust and credible during the public consultation for the impact assessment. It is born from my experience at law school working on criminal law defence cases. It taught me a lot. For me, not handing over robust, credible, and independent data and evidence is like going … Read more