How much evidence comes up during public consultations

The Commission runs a lot of public consultations. You can follow them here.  Running public consultations make sense. Officials can get access to evidence that they may have missed.  I’ve always liked the process. It is  a means to address the Hayekian problem of knowledge. Officials can source information from hundreds of milllions of European … Read more

How to avoid laws that don’t work

The other day I looked at a smart technique the Commission used to prepare legislation. The technique allows the Commission to prepare and adopt good quality and effective public policy and legislation. For a long time in air pollution, the Commission crowdsourced solutions from across the commission, governments, experts from industry and NGOs, and international … Read more

A check list for answering Better Regulation Public Consultations

Evidence-based policymaking needs evidence. With good evidence, you are more likely to arrive at ‘timely and sound policy decisions.  Better Regulation’s public consultation gives you the opportunity to feed in evidence to the policy deliberations and change the outcomes.  You can find out what makes a good input by looking at the Commission’s own guidelines … Read more