Do Scientists & Journalists mix?

Excellent piece in the Guardian. Nine ways scientists demonstrate they don’t understand journalism If reporters wrote stories the way some scientists seem to want, few people would read science coverage The purpose of a headline is not to tell the story but to pique the interest of readers without lying. Photograph: Sang Tan/AP Have you … Read more

Great Teaching – Explaining Complexity

The Khan Academy  has rekindled my learning for science. I liked science at school for a while but it was killed off. The Khan Academy’s courses are helping me enjoy learning again. Good Teaching But, the Khan Academy shows the power of good teaching. This video explains the most complex public policy issues around the internet  and IP in … Read more

Phil Gould – A Legend

Philip Gould contribution to rescuing the Labour Party is all too important. He was happy to work on helping our party rescue itself from its left ward lurch. His death was untimely and a great loss for his family and Party. This economist piece highlights his role.

Why Do Bad Ideas Prosper?

  A Long Time Coming Even after Communism fell, there are people who still believe in it.  China and North Korea still harm their people and countries by following Communism’s ideas (to varying degrees).  Stupid ideas have a long term influence, even if all evidence shows that they are wrong. There are even people who … Read more