Lobbyists face some interesting challenges. Some may be tempted to cross over unwritten and written lines.
I would be useful if there were a clear code of conduct, some ethical guidelines that are easy to understand and follow.
The EP has one (here). EPACA (here) and the SEAP (here) have codes of conduct..
UK Lawyers (UK Barristers (here) and Solicitors (here)) have detailed guidance.
As an operational rule book for minimum ethical good practice, I’d recommend reading Exodus 20:2-17
- Don’t give false testimony. This comes down misrepresent positions. It would mean don’t claim that a provision of law does something it does not do. Don’t promise to a client success when there chances of success are low. It requires a basic honesty when engaging with officials and politicians and not misrepresenting positions, impacts of proposals, or what the law does. Be clear about your position and don’t with it depending on who you are speaking to. I’m curious how many position papers would pass this.
2. Don’t make false claims. It matters not whether it is knowingly or by ignorance. Lying is a no-go.
3. Don’t steal is an obvious one. This would cover from false billing to giving or taking bribes.
4. Don’t covet possessions that belong to others would cover using the law to acquire the assets of others. I’m curious if it covers a ban on subsidies.
5. Don’t work 7 days a week and certainly don’t force insane working practices on your colleagues or yourself.
6. Don’t misuse your client’s name, or an expert, or an official. It covers not revealing sources.
7. Cult worship of a cause , CEO, ideology are out. This could be a tough one for many NGOs, companies, and some think tanks.
8. And, it does not require blind faith in the current occupant of the 13th floor or the latest mantra. A higher calling to the ‘ever closer union’ must be the one constant 🙂
9. Violence, harassment and intimidation should not be in anyone’s playbook.
10. Have a plan to get to where you want to be. It make take you longer than you hoped to get to your policy/political/legislative promised land, but you can get there.
These are minimum standards. I’m sure you can tick off all 10.