The long journey for the adoption of EU law – CLP

  1. 20 June 2019,  New Strategic Agenda 2019-2024, European Council
  2. 16 July 2019, A Union that strives for more. My agenda for Europe, European Commission (Europe needs to move towards a zero-pollution ambition. I will put forward a cross-cutting strategy to protect citizens’ health from environmental degradation and pollution, addressing air and water quality, hazardous chemicals, industrial emissions, pesticides and endocrine disrupters.p.7), Commission
  3. 11 December 2019, Green Deal Communication (Chemicals strategy for sustainability, Summer 2020) Commission
  4. 28 January 2020, Commission Work 2020 Programme, European Commission.
  5. 14 October 2020, Communication: Chemical Strategy for Sustainability, Commission (Proposal to amend CLP Regulation to give the Commission the mandate to initiate harmonised classification – CLP Regulation – 2021. Annex)
  6. 19 October 2020,Commission Work Programme 2021, Annex, Commission (no mention)
  7. 19 October 2021, Commission Work Programme 2022, Annex, Commission (Annex, A European Green Deal, 1. Zero pollution package. a) Revision of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging (legislative, incl. impact assessment, Article 114 TFEU, Q2 2022))
  8. 31 May 2021, ISSG meet
  9. 29-30 June 2021: Update to CARACAL Expert Group
  10. 30 September 2021: CARACAL -Expert Group
  11. October 2021: Studies Start
  12. 6 October 2021: Informal RSB Upstream Meeting
  13. 15 October 2021, ISSG meet
  14. 27 October 2021: CARACAL – Expert Group
  15. 10 November 2021: Start of targeted consultation – 6 weeks
  16. 17-18 November 2021: Update to CARACAL -Expert Group
  17. 26 November 2021: Stakeholder Workshop
  18. 6 December 2021: CARACAL -Expert Group
  19. 14 December 2021: CARACAL – Expert Group
  20. 22 December 2021: Targeted consultation ends
  21. 18 January 2022: ISSG meet
  22. 17 February 2022: ISSG meet
  23. 14 March 2022: ISSG meet
  24. Bilaterals between ENV & Services
  25. 28 March 2022: ISSG meet
  26. 6 April 2022: ISSG meet
  27. 13 April 2022: Impact Assessment submitted to RSB
  28. 11 May 2022: RSB Meet. Positive with Reservations
  29. May 2022: Lead DGs prepares draft text
  30. 18 October 2022, Commission Work Programme 2023Annexes, Commission
  31. 7 November 2022: ISC 24 DGs, 15 working days > 20 pp; Validation by 1st VP (Cab) and 3 Commissioners to launch ISC
  32. Text refined and delivered to Cabinets
  33. 24 November: Special Chefs meet
  34. 25 November 2022: ISC ended, Positive opinion
  35. 13 December 2022: College of Commissioners meet (not on agenda)
  36. 19 December 2022: Proposal adopted by written procedure
  37. 20 December 2022: Start of Feedback on Proposal, Commission
  38. 24 January 2023:  Co-Ordinator’s Meeting. EPP allocated file with 1 point.
  39. 3 February 2023: Letter of referral to National Parliaments transmitted – Subsidiarity check
  40. 3 February 2023: EP appoint Rapporteur Maria Spyraki MEP (Greece/EPP)
  41. 6 February 2023: Working Party on Technical Harmonisation – Dangerous Substances – Chemicals met
  42. 13 March 2023: Working Party met
  43. 20 March 2023, End of Feedback on Proposal, Commission
  44. 22 March 2023:Presentation of Proposal by the Commission at ENVI Committee (video link at 17:47)
  45. 31 March 2023: Subsidiarity DeadlineGerman Parliament Subsidiarity feedback and 11 other National Parliament assessed
  46. 5 April 2023: Rapporteur publishes draft report
  47. 5 April 2023: Working Party met
  48. 17 April 2023: WTO TBT Committee notified – consultation startsT
  49. 27 April 2023: European Economic and Social Committee adopt Opinion
  50. 2 May 2023: Working Party met
  51. 4 May 2023: ENVI exchange of views on draft Rapporteur’s report (video link at 10.23)
  52. 8 May 2023: EP Briefing. Initial Appraisal of a European Commission Impact Assessment.
  53. 11 May 2023: Deadline for amendments for Rapporteur’s draft report
  54. 22 May 2023: Working Party met
  55. 23 May 2023: Revised Presidency compromise published (link and link)
  56. 31 May 2023:  Working Party Meeting on Technical Harmonisation (Dangerous Substances) met 7
  57. 8 June 2023: Revised Presidency compromise published
  58. 9 June 2023: Annotations to the Presidency compromise published
  59. 14 June 2023: Working Party met
  60. 15 June 2023: Non-Paper by Bulgaria, Romanian and Slovak Delegations on essential oils circulated
  61. 16 May 2023: Amendments for Rapporteur’s draft report published (package 1 and 2)
  62. 16 June 2023: Presidency circulate compromise text ahead of council meeting
  63. 19 June 2023: Special Committee on Agriculture discuss non-paper on revision of CLP
  64. 21 June 2023: Working Party met
  65. 23 June 2023: Presidency present mandate for negotiations with European Parliament
  66. 26 June 2023: AGRIFISH Council exchange on essential oils
  67. 30 June 2023: Council General Approach – mandate for negotiations, Coreper I
  68. 15 July 2023: WTO TBT Consultation ends. No comments provided.
  69. 3 July 2023: Declaration by Germany
  70. 11 September 2023: Vote in committee, 1st reading. Vote: 63 for, 10 against, 1 abstention votin
  71. 21 September 2023: Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
  72. 27-28 September 2023: Plenary Amendments to ENVI Committee Report published
  73. 3 October 2023: Debate in EP
  74. 4 October 2023 : EP Adopt position, 519 for, 99 against, 8 abstentions
  75. 5 October 2023: EP negotiating mandate text published
  76. 23 October 2023: Working Party met
  77. 24 October 2023: Council publish 4 column document
  78. 17 November 2023: Working Party met
  79. 29 November 2023: Working Party met
  80. 8 November 2023 : Interinstitutional technical meeting (ITM)
  81. 10 November 2023: Interinstitutional technical meeting (ITM)
  82. 14 November 2023: Interinstitutional technical meeting (ITM)
  83. 21 November 2023: Interinstitutional technical meeting (ITM)
  84. 23 November 2023: Interinstitutional technical meeting (ITM)
  85. 27 November 2023: Interinstitutional technical meeting (ITM)
  86. 29 November 2023: Interinstitutional technical meeting (ITM)
  87. 30 November 2023: Interinstitutional technical meeting (ITM)
  88. 1 December 2023: Coreper exchange on 4 column document
  89. 5 December 2023: Interinstitutional technical meeting (ITM)
  90. 5 December 2023:  First trilogue, Agreement reached. EP Press ReleaseCouncil Press ReleaseCommission Press Release
  91. 6 December 2023: Interinstitutional technical meeting (ITM)
  92. 7 December 2023: Council publishes 4 column document with agreed positions
  93. 15 December 2023: Final 4 column document published
  94. 19 December 2023: Council present an analysis of the final compromise text
  95. 22 December 2023: Text agreed during negotiations published
  96. 22 December 2023: Coreper letter confirming interinstitutional agreement
  97. 8 March 2024: COREPER approve the agreement
  98. 8 April 2024: Commission response to text adopted in plenary
  99. 23 April 2024:  First Reading agreement Vote – 533 for, 11 against, 65 abstentions
  100. 18 June 2024: Council publish a list of proposals to undergo the Corrigendum Procedure
  101. 3 September 2024 @ 17:00: Deadline for objection  by a political group or five Members
  102. 4 September 2024: ENVI Committee – no objections- link
  103. 17 September 2024: Plenary – no objections – link and link
  104. 4 October 2024: Slovak Statement –  link
  105. 9 October 2024: COREPER Approve Corrigendum text – link
  106. 14 October 2024: Environment Council Approve Corrigendum text – adoption as a A Point – link
  107. Date: Signature ceremony
  108. Date: Text Published in OJ
  109. Date: Text enters into force

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