In the afternoon of 23 July, the Fisheries Committee discussed:
7. Fisheries control
8. Conclusion of the Protocol on the implementation of the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Cape Verde (2019-2024)
9. Protocol on the implementation of the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau (2019-2024)
10. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia and the Implementation Protocol thereto
11. Emergency measures for the conservation of the cod stock in the eastern Baltic Sea
In camera
12. Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and non-cooperating countries
Copyright. European Parliament (2019)
Transcript of Session
good afternoon colleagues Where a bit thin on the ground. My way of members. But I’ll just start by by, Mister mister, It was cut off when he was questioning before lunch, and other people didn’t get a chance to to put their questions at all for which I apologize. But, uh, Mr Reyes, a very fair point that it was unclear to new members how you indicated that you wish to speak or put a question, Um and you know, of course, I haven’t been 15 years in this In this parliament. One forget you forget you. You get used to procedures so can’t just indicate team members of what? Whenever night, whenever one item starts and the chair opens the item. Then from that moment onwards, you are welcome to raise your name plates on. Indicate to the secretary at that. You wish to be to be added to the list. Um, it is normal for the chair or was to take the coordinators that’s been elected and they get special treatment. You can argue with them in your own group about that on, but then the list will usually be done on the basis of first come first served, is it not rapids with obviously Raptor and coordinators get, get, get special treatment. But they’re after it’s done more or less in the order of which you’ve you’ve notified. And of course, if this gets too long, the chair may well say OK, you know, if you haven’t indicated within the 1st 5 minutes, then we’ll cut off the list at that point. So get in early on, just indicate right. Okay. On dso on that. On that score, I’m gonna turn to the fisheries control Regulation. I suppose at this point you immediately start indicating that at some point you wished to speak on this. It’s okay now. This regulation was introduced by the commission during the last mandates quite a while ago. Really? Ah, on DDE. Although preliminary work was done on it by the S and D, it never actually came to a vote in committee. So we start over again with the S and D having the lead. Although I don’t think they’ve yet names the, uh, the Replicator. So I would like to introduce Mrs Bates from the missus, bites from the from the commission to talk to and explain the control regulation. I think it likely that the majority of members have not actually read it. So, you know, you really are, You know, explaining it from first principles. The floor is yours. Thank you, Mr Chair. And good afternoon. Honorable members of the European Parliament. We’re actually very happy to have the opportunity today. 2% you in a hopefully pedagogic way, the revision off the control system, which of course, has a certain complexity. So we’ve really hope that our presentation will help you to understand the Commission’s proposal. So for explaining the things to you, we will do a PowerPoint presentation. That’s also the reason why we’re sitting here and not up there. And it will be a shared presentation by me and by Francesca. And before doing so, allow me to introduce ourselves. It’s the first time that you see our faces for most of you. So my name is Veronica Fights. I’m director in DJ Mara, dealing with the common fisheries policy, including the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, including the control regulation and including the implementation and the Mediterranean. And Lexie and Francesca. Ravenna is a head off units dealing with control and inspection in D to marry, So let’s have a look. Att The first slide, Francesca. So this slide is a graphic presentation which tries to show you visually that monitoring, surveillance and control is the backbone and the foundation off the common fisheries policy you have on top the common fisheries policy with the objectives and the principles laid down in the basic regulation in the middle, you see that those principles and objectives are implemented via conservation measures such as fishing opportunities, marty and all plans and technical measures. And it shows also that those measures the conservation measures, they’re based on scientific advice and the basis off the scientific advice. Our data and the data are partly scientific tater, but they’re also data arising from the monitoring and to control off the fleet in terms of catch and effort data. But what I can say or you can have the best conservation measures, they will not work if they’re not respected and if their their implementation is not sufficiently controlled, so conservation measures will only have an impact, the real impact on the vaunted impact if they are implemented by the industry and if they’re properly controlled. So overall the purpose off officials control system is to contribute, do the objectives off the common fisheries policy, namely to ensure sustainable fisheries, and it does so by mainly three activities. One activity is to monitor the fishing activities, so this is about knowing who is fishing when, what and how much. This is an important dimension off the Fishers control system as it provides critical information to fisheries managers to make informed decision on the management off the fish. It provides also day to do the fishery scientists, which is essential to take to undertake proper stock assessments on provide recommendations to the fisheries managers for managing fisheries. The second strand off actuals under Deacon officials regulation is to have mechanisms in place that ensure that the fishermen respect the rules and that they prevent unlawful behaviour by the fishermen. And this means we need it dissuasive and to Jordan mechanisms, such a sanctions in case of wrongdoings and shortcomings and the third strand of action is the prevention and the combat competiting illegal, unregulated, unreported fishing. The so called are you fishing? I will not go very much into that strand of action because you will have a point later this afternoon. Also on the agenda. So what is the current legal basis off the Fishers control system? And you will see four main complimentary pillars you have on the one hand to the left and upper side, the fisheries control regulation, which dates back to 2009. That was at that time, a major overhaul of all the control. Who’s that we had in place? But there is to the right inside. Also the year you regulation, which dates back to 18 2008 and on the bottom to the left, you have the F confounding regulation. So that’s the regulation, which provides the founding wars for the European Fisheries Control Agency, which is our agency. That helps to coordinate the control efforts off our member states. And last but not least, you have to the right hand side of the bottom, the stable management off the external fleet. That’s a registration we have reviewed in 2017 and this is about essentially regulating our fleet in external waters or external feet in our waters. So this has to be added a kind off high number off other legislative tools where you see here and there some control measures in place. These are the Mediterranean regulation dipsy regulation, some multi and our plans include some control provisions. And last but not least, there are control provisions arising from international negotiations in the context of regional fisheries management organizations, so a quite extensive legal framework. But as for all legislation, it is good from time to time to look into its efficiency and effectiveness through a thorough evaluation. And that’s what the commission did in 2017 issued a Neve Elation report off the control regulation. But that’s also was the European Court off auditors did in 2017 on, and as a result, the court issued a report which is called You Fisheries Control Maur. Efforts need it to these evaluations needs to be added to the five years revelation off the European Officials and Control Agency and also this forum here. The European Parliament adopted a resolution in 2016 on how to make the fisheries controls in Europe uniforms. So you have a pro number off evaluations and assessments over the past couple of years, and what you can see from all those evaluations and assessments is that the is concurrence in the interview. That’s the control system, as it currently stands, is not entirely fit for the purpose. All these assessments hints to four areas where improvements unnecessary. One is that the provision for the collection off fishery stater and in particular the data from small scale fisheries and from recreational fisheries are inadequate and not enough. And as a consequence, we have a situation where the fisheries data are not sufficiently complete. They’re not sufficiently available and are not sufficiently reliable. The second area for improvement is enforcement, and what the evaluations found very clearly is that there is an uneven enforcement off the control who’s by the member stage states and debt off course. Chopard Eyes is a level playing field among operators. For instance, to give you an example, there are different levels off sanctions applied in different member states for the same type of infringement. No. So that creates really an uneven playing field for operators. 1\/3 area for improvement is that the control system as it currently stands, it’s not in line with the new Common Fisheries policy, which entered into force in 2014 and this is particularly the caress for the control off the landing application and you will remember that our director General Machado, was talking about this in particular. And the fourth area of improvement is that the current walls are considered overly complex, with too many raids, allegations that the difficult to control and a lack of clarity off certain provisions. So in the light off all these evaluations and recommendations, it was very clear for us is in the commission that inaction was simply not an option. It’s the reason why they prepared a proposal for the revision off the control system based on a thorough impact assessment. And that proposal was adopted by the end off May 2018 and since then it has been a discussion by Coolidge is laters. What does this proposal do? It’s to be clear it’s not a repeal. We have not repealed the current system because we didn’t want to lose investments made by the industry and by the sector in control tools and control mechanisms. We have amended the current system very thought it was necessary to be amended, and these amendments concern in essence three main regulations the fisheries control regulations, the F confounding regulation and the IOU regulation. But there some small amendments also to other regulations, namely the Mediterranean regulation and the politics, but to an oil plan. So in a nutshell, that’s the context. That’s the background for the revision off the control system, and Francesca will now present you hopefully always in a natural the main content of all these amendments. Thank you. Good afternoon. I will now guide you through Ah, the proposal by focusing on the key specific amendments and areas which have been regrouped into enforcement rules, data availability, call it and sharing issues where we needed to bridge the gaps with the common fisheries policy. Increased synergies with other policies on the last two points will be the amendments to the F confounding regulation on dhe Tow the you regulation. One important issue to stress from the outset. It’s that across the whole proposal, we tried a CE much as possible to clarify existing rules to simply find the provisions. Although this was rather a challenge being this a very complex set of legislation on Dhe Tau phase out paper in all sorts of reporting obligations and move to the digitization as well. The regulation is also a lying to the Lisbon Treaty. So starting with the enforcement rules, there are number off proposed amendments by the commission. But I’ll focus mostly on sanctions. This is an area where we focused a lot of attention on dhe, the first notable changes that were proposing to, um, combined all provisions concerning sanctions an infringement in one regulation that would be in future the control regulation moving the current provisions Current current provisions currently laid down in the are you regulation in to the control regulation. This will bring ah much more clarity. Ah, and streamline the application off the enforcement chapter. We’re also proposing an updated least off What should be serious infringements per se today. This is not the case. There is a least aunt of serious infringement per se, but on other serious infringements, it is left to the discretion of the member states and the result be way. Uh, the infringements are interpreted is a different one um, attached to this lease of serious infringement. We have also proposed harmonized criteria to be used s o to qualify a serious certain other infringements off the safety rules. That will not be serious infringements percent. So all we know this will bring Maura better harmonization on level playing field across the sector. We are also introducing mandatory administrative sanctions on the minimum level off of fines, which is which does not exist today for serious infringements. The reason being is that today many members to stay Riker only to the criminal system. Ah, and it’s leads to very lengthy procedures may last 233 years. So what we’re suggesting is that in any case, there should be a mandatory administrative sanction that can also be a company buying criminal proceedings depending on the criminal system off the member states. We bring clarity into the immediate enforcement measures after the identification of a potential infringement. And also we try to improve the exchange of data that is still very lacking today between member states on sanctions on infringement. The second big chapter is they’d have availability, quality, quality and sharing here wth e. We worked too, prove the availability and quality of data for all types of vessels. Starting from ah, water normally defined a small scale vessels vessels philo 12 meters that are today’s subject to a number of allegations under the covering rules to the point that for example, vessels Bolo toh 10 meters to know have to sir me any type of cat catch data. According to the legislation s o, What we’re proposing for those vessels is to use a mandatory tracking Soto follow the position of the vessel, but also toe have an electronic system for reporting of the catch is, um with having in mind that there are a number off simple tools that have been developed lately for those vessels that that can be used, Uh, instead of those more, um, heavy tools used by bigger vessels For vessels be above 12 meters. We removed existing derogations. There are a number of the allegations today applying to this is upto 15 meters, including for the tracking off those vessels. So we propose that no more irrigation in futures, all vessels will be tracked and all vessels we have to report electronica leader couches a notable, um, change in the in the text we have proposed This concerns the article on recreational fisheries. This article is today extremely weak when it comes to control. Um and it is very difficult to understand What is the pool of participants in ah in recreational fisheries, let alone to know the quantities off catches. So what we have proposes that each members, they will set up a registration or lessen system at national level without specifying how this should work. It is left to the member states and member states. We’ll also put in place and that a data collection system or a registration system on catches for all types of catches for those species that are subject to conservation measures are you level. We proposed to establish an electronic reporting system similar to the one applying force more scale vessels. Um, concerning data, we also remove the number of their allegations. It is important to stress that today if a vessel catch is less than 50 kilograms, there is a delegation for reporting. We have removed that irrigation, which is no longer consistent with the fact that small, most small scale vessels will have to report their catches in future. We have also adopted the derogations for sales Ah, and adopted the rules on tolerance between catch estimates by the master on landed quantities. I’m not entering into the details here because it can become very, very technical for, um for data. It is also important to ah realize that Ah, the reliability off The weighing off catches is essential toe have good data on how much resource is has bean Ah has been extracted from the sea and there we noticed that that the current rules, um are not ah are not fit for purpose today. What we’re proposing is that all fisheries products are waited at landing and by registered operators that can be masters. It can be buyers S O N e any type of operator that is registered on member states. However, we also propose specific provisional procedures for answer the landings where it is impossible to weigh everything a catches by species at landings. And we’re trying to clarify the responsibility and accountability of operators in ah, weighing transport and sales. The third big chapter is bridging the gap with the safety. And here we worked on two main issues. The 1st 1 is the landing obligation today. Ah, although the landing application is in place, there are no street control rules. Um, on the on how to control the landing obligation, we’re proposing a mandatory use off closed circuit television, so cameras applied to individual vessels and fleet segments based on risk assessment. So on Lee Hye Ri specials implementation should be done by the member states and should be agreed at regional level in order to ah ensure a level playing field. We also propose the number off improvements on the control of the off the fishing capacity. There are rules today in the control regulation of fishing capacity, but they’re highly in affected and not really implemented as they should be. We are proposing to simplify the system for the control of the fishing capacity by a continuous monitoring on recording of engine power for certain types of s sold some. We are also translating ah number of recommendations off the European Court of Auditors on the physical verification off the tournament moving to the fourth chapter. We also trying to improve the synergies with other policies and notably the environmental policy is one of which we worked. Ah, we worked on the reporting of lost fishing years, um, on dhe mandated in future in Elektronik, reporting off lost years via the logbook today the re reporting it is not done via the logbook on DDE. In many cases, we realized that there is no reporting happening in a number of member states, so we hope that this waste with this problem with this provision, the reporting will be easier. We also propose the new and much wider definition off fishing restricted areas which will include any type of fishing restricted area, including marine protected areas, a member of members that level you level and wider. By the way, it is important to stress that the new rules on the vessels tracking will, um, well significantly improve the monitoring and control in fishing. Restricted area switch today is challenging in many cases because those vessels cannot be tracked, so it’s difficult to know whether or not they’re fishing or whether or not they’re entering the area. We also worked on improvement of the synergies with the food law, um on DDE in particular to have better traceability in future by making sure that they will be a clear link between each fishing trip and the lattes officially products that are placed on the market. This is not the case today. We also extend the provisions on traceability, officials, products, toe imported products, aunt notably toe prepared or preserved fish and crustaceans, which today are totally delegated from the traceability provisions and last but not least, that we proposed to move to a digitalization off the information and to phase out paper based systems for traceability. So these were the main proposed, the main modifications for the control Control Regulation moving to the Africa Founding Regulation here. Ah, there. The amendments have bean really targeted in a way to ensure that the F commission and objectives are fully aligned to the safety, including the external dimension off the safety We proposals well in extension of the geographical scope of the agency’s inspection powers that today are limited only to international waters but not to union waters. And we also extend the possibilities for revenues off the agency in line with other other agencies. Last but not least, we propose an amendment to the Are you regulation? The 1st 1 concerns wth e catch certificates, which is the certificate necessary for imported produce. Toby imported into the U the Scotch certificate today. Still, paper certificates on and we’re moving gradually toe digitization off the car certificates, but we need to have a legal basis. So this tax is providing that legal basis, and I remind a game that the provision concerning enforcement currently in the year regulation will be moved or have been moved proposed to be moved to the control regulation just a word on the date of application that the commission has proposed that we proposed that the changes to the Africa family regulation our immediate It’s just after the entry into force. However, for all other amendments, there will be a need to adopt necessary secondary really original legislation, meaning implementing and delegated outs. Also, there will be a need to develop AAI city tools, notably for the reporting of small scale vessels. So we’re proposing and entering toe force 24 months. Ah, data of application story of 24 months after the entry into force off the regulation. Um, I think that you’re all aware off the ah off the court decision procedure. Ah, that was said right at the beginning by the chair wasthe e state of play in the European Parliament in the Council. The examination of the proposal is currently ongoing in the working group on internal external fisheries and the only outstanding chapter for the presentation technical presentation is sanctions on enforcement. Um, on our website, we uploaded all types of material that one would need to understand the basics and the rational behind the proposal. The impact assessment, the consultations. Ah, the report by the commission. This is the link toe to be used. And with that, thank you very much. Thank you, Commissioner, for taking us through that, um, the snd group will be taking on the file. This is, uh, Aguirre, I think has indicated that she will be the rep Attar. I’m gonna just hand over to Mr Teach in a moment for two. The question. Can I just put one question myself first, which is on the proposal for the minimum level of fines? Um, a very necessary proposal. However, you must be getting pushback from the council on the grounds of interference in national criminal law or judicial independence. Or what have you in taping that proposal? What? What was the result of consultations when it comes to the Thank you for giving me the question. When it comes to the discussions in the channel in the council, they’re still at the very early stage goings, articles, articles for the regulation. So there is not yet an established position. Bye council that we could reflect here. Ah, report to you. So you will have to be patient. They continue the discussions off the control regulation, but they’re not yet that advanced, but just to react. Of course, they, uh, be here from the member states here and there is that we should not intervene into issues which are considered to be off the competence. That’s not the intention off the proposal. The intention off the proposal is toe have administrative proceedings across the board. And then, in addition, the member states can if they wish. Uh, it’s also criminal proceedings according to their rules and procedures. Yes, as you. As you know, the Commission has produced in the past reports which indicate that when it comes to the enforcement of environmental legislation on issues of this kind not only other hugely different applications off the enforcement procedure, but when it comes to the national courts, the penalties very enormously from negligible, too proper sanctions. So I understand where you’re coming from. But I also understand the difficulty of applying such such a proposal. Mr. Matisse, we should take the floor. Thank you, Mr President. Their colleagues. I’ll be speaking on behalf of my colleague Clara related First off all, she would like to thank our colleague Isabelle Thomas, member off the S and the group from the previous legislative term for here work and dedication to this file. As you all probably know, she wisely decided to interrupt the process off this this year in orderto achieve a better quality in the European Parliament. Position off this important topic. Glad I accept the challenge of being a reporter for this important reform. And she would like to express to you here hope that well, that we will manage to reach a consensus agreement so that we have a position off strength in relation to the other European institutions to descend. The proceeds must start again from the beginning. In other words, she will write a new draft report which will be present into the committee or fisheries. And then there will be a deadline for Table Inc amendments. Each political group can consider whether Toe introduce the amendments already table or whether to present new modifications to the reopening commissions, commissions, proposal for regulation. The timetable and their lines have not yet been set, but the world would like to make it clear that she will take the time to be able to make all these required consultations and called the old all the indispensable, indispensable debates in order to achieve quality position for the European Parliament. Clara Clara would like to apologize for not being presented this first debate off distance here, but it is impossible for here, Toby to parallel meetings. In this case, she’s at agri meeting. As you know, a public hearing off the fisheries control Rick. Time has been set which will take place at the Fisheries Committee meeting in October, and on this occasion we will have enough time to hold the proper debate. On this occasion. Clara doesn’t want to go into too much detail, but at least she would like to say that she believes in it is necessary to complete and modify the proposal in the sense off the objective off supplication demands by the parliament and on the other hand, she would liketo highlight the harmonization necessary in order to not to create the feeling off injustice amongst fisherman off the different member states. Furthermore, it is necessary to support the creation of specific financing and control mechanism for recreational fishing and to include provisions to reflect the specific tactics off agriculture and alter peripheral regions. Colleagues were here before us the major challenge of the straightening the current system. Officials control inspection in the European Union without resulting in increase in the initiative burden and additional efforts for the member states. Clatter believes the modernization and use off new technologies must create the objective off, increasing the control off recreational fishing off the landing obligation, or or to promote even more for sale, interest ability, as well as exchange off data between the member states, the European Commission and the GOP in fisheries control agency itself, but also also with the third countries in all sense and areas many things to all of you. Thank you, mister me and Mom. But this president, thank you very much. Well, first of all, I’m glad that we begin with this particular dish here, which is very important. And I had the opportunity to familiarize myself with it in the previous legislature because I was one of the shadow reporters. I think indeed, it’s extremely important to take into consideration the work. The valuable work was done by the repertory during the previous Legislature no eso. There are a number of beef comments I’d like to make, but I want to go. I won’t go into length with. Regardless, I just simply wanted Thio touch upon them. First of all, I’d like to thank the commission for the presentation. It’s very complex indeed. It requires a lot of study. It is a text which is extremely important. Furthermore, Justus Claddagh believes I think the having some sort of homogenous system across the board system of sanctions, some sort of balance indeed is extremely important. Ah, this directive, as it is right now, hasn’t been incorporated properly. International legislation. It’s been done in a very fragmented fashion. So there is great discrepancy between the various member states as far as the implementation of my sanctions. So, um, I do feel that a new regulation woo ought to be one which creates unequal playing field, a level field. So to say that equal ah, similar type of implementation throughout the member states as well there’s something else that I’d like to draw your attention to. I think that the a SW far is control an introduction of new technologies, et cetera. I think it’s very important that we don’t create additional bureaucratic burden and red tape. I think we ought not forget that we’re speaking about a sector which is extremely traditional. And all of this new technology and new fangled things that were introduced create Ah, a certain amount of lack of trust problems it discomfort and so on and so forth. And then there’s the issue of the Costa’s. Well, now, as we heard from, uh, Mr Machado this morning, um, of the closed circuit systems thea cameras and so on and so forth that involves, of course, the, uh the various management procedures here. I think as well we have to be rather careful. We have to take into consideration by the idiosyncrasies of the places where people work and live the utility of this type of camera system. And we have to ask whether all of the taping, all of this filming will also serve its particular purpose as well. And now, um, now also the risks of the for example, thieve Estes. They’re larger than 18 that are longer than 18 meters, that they may not meet the various, um, obligations that air there. So it is fair. It is rather complicated as well. So I think indeed, to a certain extent, this has to be looked at very, very closely, as does the issue of quotas. The quarters air there, the quarters air fixed. But frequently, um, there are This is an issue of security as well and safety as well. And I think that those issues are to be looked at as as the other issues as far as monitoring and controlling. Of course, for the member States, it’s gonna be very, very difficult because fisheries is a very, very large and diverse sector. Creating the necessary control systems is not going to be easy at all. But from the quantitative point of view, I think indeed greater control ought to be there. But of course we have to be kept very, very careful about how all of this is implemented. And then if, as Faras catches indeed, I do agree that there has to be once again a system which is balanced on and also a system where all member states are basically subject to the same set of sanctions that the sanctions are implemented in the same fashion. Once again. I’d like to thank you. I’m very sorry for the very summary fashion that I made my presentation but undoubtedly will have the opportunity in the future. When we discuss the various, um, key points in greater detail will be able to go into greater for profundity with regard to the various issues. Thank you very much. Good at you. Oh, now the know where we’ve seen the lack of proper implementation of policies of the European Union and this doesn’t own on the apply to fisheries as well. And also the issue here is sustainability of resource is I think it’s very important to improve the control as Faras fishies is concerned for sustainability purposes. Now the proposal for a regulation looks, of course, that the idiosyncrasies. But I think greater attention has to be played to the idiosyncrasies of the Mediterranean region, where we have small fleets, small vessels as well and where it becomes very difficult in certain instances to implement the various norms. Now the off the various different controls, as far as in a gravity caused the mechanical. Delaine plays a very contra as far as the landings and of course we have to look at the various specificity is there also the fairies difficulties as faras implementing is, well particular, taking into consideration the financial burden that exists. Once again, the idiosyncrasies of Metro didn’t have to be taken into consideration. Also national norms with regard to controlling the the whole series of systems that are in place. I think it is indeed the issue of putting some sort of Elektronik cyst and electronic database electronic controls us. Well, this may allow for a better system overall and better management. But of course there is the particular issue where, uh, where the financing will come from and how all of this will be implemented in the end. Now, the sanctions system and the fragmentation of it, of course, creates a number of different issues. It’s very, very difficult to have a clear view of the landscape over all the divers situation as well. And once again, the implementation of these sanctions is an issue, of course, which has to be taken up a swell. Also, implementing sanctions at the moment of the committing, um, some sort of infraction or shortly there after is something which is questionable as well. Now I think indeed, we need the proper cooperation, a concerted effort has to be made with colleagues from the commission and entered in order to put together a regulation which is most effective thing. Thank you. Good afternoon. Thank you. Give me the floor. A couple of questions. We are looking at the review of the control regulation on. We would like to emphasize a number of the issues in the control regulation that require attention. Transparency has to be key in any future regulations. Without transparency on tthe e sanctions and why they’ve been given, then we can’t do anything. So is the commission going to start to public its audits on how member states are applying three rules under the control regulation? That’s my first question. Also, the control regulation has been in place for 10 years now, but very few member states have implemented effective deterrent sanctions. The very low rate of sections on they don’t meet the criteria set out in the control regulation on the eye you regulations In 2017 the commission itself recognizing a report that be implementing measures particularly when it comes to sanctions on the point system and follow up for infringements, are areas where there are shortcomings. Member states are supposed to implement the control regulation on the are you regulation. But there are very few sanctions. And so what is the commission going to do about this problem? Can the commission explain how it intends to improve the situation in the future on? Are you going to take strong measures against member states, which is infringement procedures or suspending financing under the M F E M f? Thank you Very specific questions. Yes, but he didn’t, Ben, thank you very much. And I would like to thank the commissioner’s well for the various explanations that have been provided. And we all indeed share the view that this is a relatively complicated report. It was so in the previous legislature as well. Ah, I wasn’t involved in this in the previous legislature, but I am aware of the complications that were involved now indeed, first of all, we have the data with regard to fisheries is incomplete, and also the implementation is very spotty and also very great differences between the member states as well. Now the collection of data and the level of that and the various differences between the member states, I think it’s very important to have some sort of correction of this particular issue because certain efforts may be made in order to improve the regulation and improved implementation of European Union legislation that may take place in certain member states but not another member states, and also also kind of criminalization which is taking place in the fishery sector as well. And I think this is unfair as well for those that do conduct fisheries in a proper and legal fashion, It’s sort of, um uh these are some of the serious problems that exist and I think indeed we need the necessary measures in order to deal with these issues and resolve them. Having said this and also the improvement of data and collection of data, I do think it’s very important in the sector, ah, to draw from tthe e experience, the positive experiences that exist and and let’s not forget that we have to draw from those who want to continue to thrive in this particular sector and come to continue to be active in this sector as well. They’re wonderful examples that can be taken also, I I with regard to the question that was post here and take into consideration the management plans that were adopted during the previous legislature. Well, some of the difficulties that arose well, the difference. The difference is. And of course, the demands of one plan or another won’t cause some sort of distortion or some sort of undermining of our being able to put together a proper regulation of control regulation, which is effective. Um, we have, ah, certain programs or plans that were adopted, which had negative results. But we have those the positive results as well, that we have to continue to draw on now over the last five years, drawing from that information and looking what we’ve done in the particular sector and having read recently scientific reports which are opposing questions with regard to the system, the landing system that’s in place. Well, uh, what we’ve tried to do, we tried to understand you are sort of read through this carefully to try to understand what the objectives are, what the targets are now as far as the quotas, the quotas of certain vessels and also the issue which, unfortunately haven’t been very successful in. And that is sustainability, in other words, maintaining stock levels. So I think indeed we do need to include something in this regulation on control with regard to the absolute necessity. The fact that it’s imperative to maintain stock level sustainability is essential indeed. A, I think traceability traceability from the moment it’s fished to the moment that it’s been put into its can and is consumed, I think there has to be absolute clear traceability. This is part of consumer rights. There are certain there are fish, they’re circulating and we don’t know where they come from. And indeed, we have to have some sort of provision in order to protect artisanal fishing as well. Small scale fisheries, in other words, a quality product is is wonderful. But unfortunately, when when this particular quality product from artisanal fishing, for example, ends up in some can and or thrown together with other fish, it’s a pity, because we have no way up until now, off tracing the origin of this particular fish. So, indeed, I think we have to look at this as well and the obligation of having proper labeling. Uh, this would protect the artisanal sector. The small fisheries protect their protection without having to compete with other products which are not necessarily bad there may be good products, those in fish and cans or fishing tins. But indeed, I, for example, as a consumer would like to know what I’m paying, what I’m paying for and exactly what I’m getting. Uh, now we we’ve seen along with the commission that there’s considerable fraud with numerous different types of cans and tinned fish because we don’t know what we’re perching would purchasing. We don’t know what we’re getting. And I think indeed that here and we do have to focus our attention. And of course, indeed, we have to work together in a concerted fashion to do the best. But I do feel it is extremely important to do our best for small scale fisheries and for fisheries overall, in order to create a more robust sector. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Come on. No other speakers. Ah, I mean, Mom, You wanted to speak on behalf of Mr Mandela? Yes, this game, mister. Thank you very much. And now are for family reasons. Call it can’t be here and has requested that I read on his behalf a very, very brief noi note. Now, of course, the control regulation and I’ll read what I have. And indeed we have to work for a regulation which is better and more flexible in nature. Now fisheries is extremely important undoubtedly, and other Arthur exceptions or interrogation Sze. There are delegations as faras, discarding in the interior of the vessel right now in the particular control regulation which is in place. And I think this is really not the way to go. But in Holland, uh, we feel that this creates major complications. Now there are others discarding would take place in different parts of the country and then they are transported to other areas and the necessary logistics isn’t in place. The system isn’t in place of the machinery isn’t in place in order to have a proper registering system with the disembarkation or with the landing rather of these particular fish in at port. And I think it’s very important for a special attention to be paid to this issue, which is a considerable importance for Dutch fisherman, a swell and the issue of sanctions as well. Ah ah, The Dutch are extremely strict as far as the effective implementation of control, but they frequently hear about what’s going on in other countries where they’re numerous different windows were There’s a lack of implementation of sanctions, and we find this extremely disconcerting. So we feel that it’s very important to have a system of sanctions which itches effective and which is implemented equally across the board. Thank you very much. Good. Thank you. Right. So I’ll ask. The commissioner was Oh, So, Mr Bobo, this corn peppers and excuse me, President, Chairman, Um, now the Baltics and the Baltic area and management there in the Baltic Sea. Oh, Well, actually, if I did make mention of the Baltic Sea, I meant theodry attic. See, actually, so excuse me, I may have made it. May have been a simple slip on my part. Thank you. Thank you. Before the commission response, can I have pointed to the on the issue of cameras, if I’m recollect correctly? The Scottish White Fish Fleet was fitted with cameras some years ago, and I think they got some increased quota by way of encouragement. So they must. So there are practical questions about the whole camera issue is as Mister me and monitors has raised on DDE. What was What’s the what? The results of that study on DDE can it be shared with us? I’m not actually seen. Seen that on. One issue you raised was also the the issue of reporting of lost fishing gear. Um, how do you How do you enforce the reporting of loss fishing gear on what sanctions would you take against fisherman who lose fishing gear if they don’t lose? If there’s no sanctions, there’s no point in getting the information. Is that? And on the other hand, if you are gonna be sanctions, why would they report it over to you? Commission. Thank you share and thank you For all of the comments that have been made, they are all very well noted. I think at the moment there it’s not really time to go into detail discussions on the certain aspects that have been raised. I note for many off the statements that indeed, there is the perception that the control system and its implementation needs to be harmonized in order to ensure a level playing field. And that’s basically one off the main intentions off our proposal here. We need to ensure that fisherman and Fisher women are treated in the same way across all European Union member states I’ve heard some concerns that the proposal might lead toa increased administrative burden or two more burden for the individual fishermen. That’s surely not the intention off our proposal. What we propose in particular for the small scale fleet. It’s not to mirror the same ah, level off detail and technology that we apply to the larger vessels. What we want to have for the small scale fleet are easy, cheap tools that can be easily handled by the simple fisherman and the simple favor fisherwoman in order to register their catch. Tater, we are not coming up with exaggerated requirements for the small screen fleet. Um, we also know from our audits that where a paper based system is in place, it actually generates lots off bureaucracy because you have to transcribe all of Britain information again and again and again, with a lot of problems off causing errors in the transcription. So having a digital tool that allows too easily transform the data you get from a fisherman into the acclaim, aerated information is less work intensive. It’s less costly than the current system in place, and there are other examples I could give you for showing that we’re not aiming at more progress. See, it are more costs in the country in the country, and that’s also for our own sake. Then on the criminalization off the fishing industry again, this is not the purpose. What are we talking about at this moment? We’re talking about the used by fishermen and fisherwoman off a common source. It’s a common source that is available to everybody, so we have to make sure that the common source is used in a respectful and responsible way. And I think it’s the good right off every fisherman and every fish, a woman to be, in short, that his fellow fishermen and his fellow fisherwoman sticks to the rules, and that’s what this proposal is about. We want to ensure that everybody sticks to the rules and everybody can trust the others that the rules are respected. So this CCTV cameras are not kind of criminalization of the sector. It’s a way off, ensuring that the rules are expected. I can ensure you, as has been said by Director Channel Mitchell this morning, we will not intrude in the privacy off the operators. We will make sure that we respect the data protection rules. We will make sure the cameras only are directed at those areas off the vessel where some activities take place, but not in the private areas. We will also make sure that the data are not constantly transmitted toe everybody, but they’re only being used for the purpose off inspections and controls. So that’s what this is about. But we’re happy to discuss all these things more detail with you to explain the implications and to come to your question, Mr Chair, about the blue use off CCTV cameras here and there. We had in the past off couple off pilot projects in some member states for certain fisheries. And in order to do those pilot projects, member states here and there, I decided to give extra Walter tohave an incentive. We do have the results off those pilot projects. We can see whether we have a document that makes the results of the pilot project easily available. One thing which is clear from the pilot project is set. CCTV cameras are efficient in terms of controlling the landing obligation, and they’re much more control more efficient than any other control tool we have been looking at. Um I wanted also to mention something because there was to request one who will pay for that. We have already now under the current European Maritime and Fisheries found, we have a big patch it off 680,000,000 euro, which is only dedicated to financing control tools and that’s can be used by the member states in the context off the operational programs. There’s lots of room of maneuver under this envelope for further use under this current programming period and also for the future, they have proposed a significant a significant share off the future. AM FF budget can be used for control purposes and approximately around the same amount. But you should also know that under for the future f f we have proposed it for small scale fisheries to eight intensity should 100% for the investments in control devices. So we have catered. We have ensured complementarity between our control proposal and vote three proposed under the financing tool, uh, on the lost skier Mr Chair, Of course, it’s always difficult to ensure that data reporting requirements are complied with. That will not be continuous monitoring that will indicate to you at every moment whether the reporting requirement has been complied with. That’s that’s difficult now when it comes to sanctions for lost skier, I have to say not all fishermen throw the gear away voluntarily and they lose it in storms and so on and so on that I don’t think it’s you can apply a sanction for a mishap that is certainly not wanted by the fishermen. Fisherwoman Um, let me reply to two questions with swears by member holes, I think. What do we do in terms off? Making sure that the members it’s implemented control system in the proper way we have. We’re undertaking recurrent audits. Audit verifications in the member states toe verify whether they’re controlled tour system complies with our walls. If they identify shortcomings in these verifications and audience, take the appropriate follow up. Actually, and that can take different forms. You can take the form of a pilot project it can pilot. It can take the form of an action plan we have. Currently, I think 11 action plans on going it can take the form, often infringement proceedings, and it can take the form often interruption often M f payment or the worst case a suspension off the IMF if payment and we do have cases where we apply this mechanisms. So there’s a lot of work going on and we really pay much attention to making sure that the member states control system works. And let’s not forget that we have also the efficacy of the European Fisheries Control Agency, which really works very closely together with the member states to ensure that their control system is used in the best possible Wait, I hope I have reacted to most of the points. What I would like to offer from the point from the perspective of the Commissioner to stage is that we are all available toe helps you to understand better bodies on the table to discuss with you. So all our support is available for the next round of discussions. Thank you. Why are you not proposing that the audits carried out by member states into the control rules are made publicly available? Sorry if I got this particular point. It is true that we do not publish the audit reports. We do not have to happen to do that. They’re happy to give an overview in an in camera session because as long as we’re having follow up, actions were not supposed to disseminate the information. That is in part off the audit reports. But why you’re not proposing in this control regulation that it should be made publicly available? It’s a department to mother. The tumor before was this proposal. It’s not part of our proposal, but, I mean, I know it’s not quiet, is it? Not? Because we thought it was not considered unnecessary. But, I mean, it’s the hand off the ledge is colleges later, so you can come up with whatever you want. Oh, fine. Are there any other questions? I think? Is that one satisfied? Okay, Thank you very much. Commission. Thank you for your presentation. Yes, indeed. And we’re way will ask the commission too. Make these studies into the experiments that have taken place into the use of cameras available to two members of the committee so we can make an assessment. Okay. Can we move on to the next item, which is the Siri’s of fishing partnership agreements? I could have some order, please. Well, I’m gonna use my gavel. I’ve done that before. Thank you. S o. The fishing partnership agreements for new members you, won’t you You may know that these are agreements negotiated by the commission on behalf of with none You countries, Um, in this case, all countries in West Africa and they allow for the payments for the for the for the purchase off surplus stock. So we caught by you vessels in their waters. They are supposed to be sustainable. We call them sustainable fishing partners arrangements. We hope they are, in fact, just that we’re responsible for vetting these agreements on approving them. And we asked the commission now to make a series of presentations, we start with a proposed the proposed agreements with Cape Verde, and I would ask from the commission Mr Mittal, Edie’s thank you Chair right there. The floor is yours. Thank you very much. I have the pleasure toe represent the unit B three and the head of unit, Mrs Ellen Ideal, which, unfortunately, she’s on a mission in a very important country dealing with negotiations. S o. I would like to start with the cup over there. First of all, as a point off mentioned, we do consider that they are sustainable fisheries partnership agreements. We do have a totally revamp legal framework to support these to be in full compliance with the common fisheries policy. So if we start with a protocol on couples their day, these supplies provisionally from the twenties off May 2019 we have a new, sustainable Fisher’s Partnership agreement that this was signed on the twenties off May and the cover and covers a bit off five years. It will enter into force on the day on which the parties notified each other on the completion off the procedure for the necessary modifications. This is a rather old standing. Let’s a relationship that we have with a couple murder the assistant professors, brothers from agreement with the country started in 2009 we are now covering strategic important areas. In thes particular protocol. It is ah, we contribute to the maintenance of the tuna particle network in the Atlantic Ocean. Also, this is a small in terms of financial contribution. Protocol is about 750,000 euros per year. The you badgered contribution. We believe that the agreement generate sustainable economic effects because off its high catches the agreement and the protocol is also relevant because it places us strategically in the area. The importance of the West Africa See Beijing for the U flits facing tuna. The main aim off the new protocol is to provide fishing opportunities for union vessels in couple of them waters on the basis off the best available scientific advice and falling the recommendations off the fame was well known. Fomo I cut these fisheries agreement offers to US ALS. The possibility to fish 8000 tons off tuna and tuna likes pieces in couple virgin waters, allowing you vessels from Spain. Portugal Franch trophies in these waters and is part off the Greater Tuna Framework prisoners agreements in West Africa. The protocol also provides under its financial compensation ah little part support. Tow the structural elements off the off the fine Fisher’s governance and it will play a crucial role in maintaining the Fishers. Ah sector in this country, the sex oral support targets in particular good governance, strengthening controlled monitoring can surveillance, scientific capacities, improvement and support of coastal communities and environmental protection. There is gonna be, as usual, a joint committee which will monitor the implementation off the protocol and the agreement and follow up Ah ze the necessary steps to have it implemented and also toe add the let’s say to the sex or a support. Thank you very much. Thank you, mister. Mister Levi’s. Does anyone wish to speak? No. Okay. In that case, I can tell you now that if the coordinators report is approved than the e p. P will take, we’ll prepare the report on behalf of the parliament. Weaken their thought. Move on to the next to these agreements which is with the Republic of Guinea missile, which I think is well, well to be insulting but is interesting it particularly interesting in so much of it will be our third largest f b a. I think again you have the floor anchor chair. Indeed it is important eso gonna be so Ah, protocol applies provisionally us off the 15th of June 2019. It was a long process following one year and 1\/2 off interruption of facing activities in the waters of Guinea Bissau because off the stand by in negotiations due to political situation in the country, this now protocol, we consider it is in crucial for the importance crucial and important For the you flit, it becomes even more important if we see the overall situation and its structure with the West African see basing for the U fleets. As I have already mentioned for a couple, if probably applied, the protocol will be, we believe, a win win situation for both parties. Considering the longer duration which is up to five years now, the inclusion off nuclear degree off small pelagic fists and the transition from the existing system or based on vessel capacity to a system based on catch limits. The famous known tax the importance that the U gives in the partnership with cannabis. How is also they’re pinned by the significant increase off the financial contribution that amounts to approximately 15 point 6,000,000 euros, out of which 4,000,000 euros will be earmarked to support fisheries policy in the country. The commission is committed to monitor the implementation of the protocol and toe work closely with the authorities in order to put in place a transparent auction governments fisheries management system. The activities to be developed under the sector of support program will cover the improvements in official sectors in the country and in particular with respect to control monitoring and surveillance improvements in the scientific capacities. And ah, another important thing that we believe that it plays a crucial role is our contribution to the country’s food security. By forcing obligatory landings to the country for the local population, there is gonna be us in all agreements Joint committee will which will follow up closely and monitor the implementation of the agreement and the protocol. Thank you, Chair. Thank you, Mr. With Levi’s, um, Mrs Spill about she Iraqis president team was implemented. Thank you. Just like to thank the commission for the efforts that they’ve made to ensure that this agreement would be signed. Both this agreement on the previous one. Ah, extremely important agreements for the European freezer fleet. Spanish on bask in particular. Where I’m from, they’re going to generate employment in those areas. And also, employment will generate employment and will tthe wealth in Europe as well. So just to emphasize that you have our support on DDE, well be able to improve the A situation with regards to the quote. Is that go to the local populations? Well, thank you, Mr Gonzalez. Aim, I got this present. Thank you, Jer. I’m from Galicia. I would also like Thio support this agreement. Fishing is more than industry or just a way of life. You have our support because the agreement with giblets out that has been something that Spain has very much been looking forward to 54 Spanish of ourselves. A number of agility in vessels are going toe all benefit from this agreement. This isn’t just good news for the guillotine and Spanish fleets, but it’s also good news when it comes to international corporation with a country such as gonna beso. So all my support on Dhe, I would just say this new model to ensure food security for the country or to ensure that Maura local fisherman’s can be involved is also a very positive expect of this. Uh, we’ll continue to follow up on this agreement, but it’s something that we do very much support. Thank you very much, Mr Ferreira. Over together. Thank you very much. Chair. I’d also like to think the commission representative for their presentation. Others have been very difficult negotiations. That’s probably the least we could say. It was a very difficult process. So I think really, the main point we should be making is that it’s positive that we would manage to achieve this at all, that we were able to see the different positions converging around the table, particularly from a part of the commission, the European Commission. The more consideration was given to what they wanted and the various concerns that were being expressed by the Guinean authorities as well. We did have the opportunity to visit guinea bustle. This was in 2016 so more than three years ago now and I’ve been following the implementation of the previous agreement quite closely and we see what some of the some of the shortcomings have been in the implementation of ah secretarial support. No, it is important that some of the concerns that have been already been raised here were addressed was respect to the technical side the cooperation, good control, inspection, vigilance. All of these various points were able to be addressed and taken into account the ability to help the country with its capacities in these areas. Also, it’s important that the European Commission has, uh addressed concerns that weren’t addressed in the past. This whole idea of mobilizing resources and four sectoral support and at the same time ensure better conditions in order to help build capacity within the sector, so basically working side by side with the Canadian authorities to ensure that the sectoral support really was being absorbed by the sector and having practical effects. I’m thinking, for instance, of infrastructure. I know that one of the concerns of the Canadian authorities quite rightly I would say, would be that they wanted to be able to ensure that there would be a landing, uh, possible in the country’s ports. And the commission said well, of course it was important to have the land. It’s possible, but that the technical circumstances weren’t present, that the infrastructure didn’t permit it. So this basically was the commission saying that they over three decades, they’ve been incapable over the years of the agreements with the Guinea Bissau too. Over all of this time, they had not even been able to ensure the necessary basic conditions for allowing landings in Guinea imports. And this is something that really we really, uh, think the commission needed to pay attention to, and that’s what we’ve seen over the past 30 years. Things that haven’t been done can now be done over the next five, so I just wanted to flag that for the European Commission from the parliament side. Of course, we will be trying work and within the framework of this opinion that we’re preparing on the agreement to develop some recommendations for the commission Looking at how they can further improve the implementation of this agreement at a number of different levels. Thank you. Thank you, Mr Mean. Then they just elementary for Mommy. Very briefly. I would just like to emphasize the importance of this report. After Morocco and Mauritania. This is the third largest, uh, the agreement suspended for two years on DDE. I would very much ask wth e commission what’s happened over 24 months up to the fifth of June. We were talking about 54 four Spanish ships in the flute and mainly from Galicia 26 on DDE. There’s a fella part of fleet is not going so well. So what we’ve heard here is really good news. Um, a few words from Mr Van Daan. He’s going to be the rep Ritter shadow for the peopIe on just like on his behalf to emphasize the importance of this agreement. But for the European fleet on for the local population off Guinea Bissau. Thank you very much. Thank you. Um, bitterly. These can just build on the remarks of the print Some of the previous speakers in before you respond. Fishing partnership agreements used to come in for criticism. It was often the case. It was alleged that the European Union was perhaps exploiting weaker nations. We were made revisions in the common fisheries policy in 2013 and they became sustainable. And you’ve emphasized some of the partnership arrangements in in these in these agreements are now being signed. Do you? Do you see a difference in the way these partnership agreements are being negotiated now as compared to 5 10 10 years ago? And I’m also conscious, of course, that we are in competition with China. And what have you in negotiating these agreements? Um how do we do We simply win by by paying more money? Or do we win? Because we are genuinely trying to address issues which will benefit to us on dhe to the nation with whom we are building a partnership. The floor is yours. Thank you, Chair. Thank you very much. Um, to start with on the we take note of the very good comments and compliments that parliamentarians have brought to the commission for our work and our efforts to conclude the agreements. Of course, we do understand that is important for the European fleets. As I have already mentioned. We also take very good note off the issues that the honorable member has highlighted with respect again, every cell and the improvement off infrastructure and the like Hellas off what has happened in the past 30 years. We do believe that the new framework that it has been established with the sustainable official partition agreement and the new regulation the fame was called Smith has helped us move quite a lot in the way we understand and our partners understand implementation. I think we have already mentioned that the joint committee will be looking very attentively on the implementation of the agreement, not only to the benefit off the European industry but to the benefits off the local populations, which is of course, a must a very important element. Now the your more general I would say comment on what what we are doing with these beneficial patterns of agreement. We do believe that, uh, we have moved away from mistakes of the past. That’s why we have actually, after a long process off preparation and, uh, deliberations within two colleges. Slater’s arrived in the adoption off the Smith Regulation. Our guiding principles are based. Our bases are Bible is the common fisheries policy and the common fisheries policy is clearly setting out that Ah, we have to achieve environmental and try between other things environmental sustainability. We are also building our intervention to the basic principles of the international law. Uh, we are not going there. Toe takeaway thinks that are, uh are in short demand. We are only exploiting using the surplus off what is available. And this is in line with what whom close on the United Nations historic agreement is asking us to do. We are having a full, transparent system in place so everybody can have access off the off the information that we’re basing our deliberations and on how we are actually removing these stocks from the coastal states waters and I do believe that this is totally different. Visibly other nations or other facing ate it is that they don’t necessarily follow the same approach. We are following a totally non discriminatory approach in the way industry our industry is accessing into the market. We’re having very, very targeted and well based ideas of what we want to help the third countries, the coastal states to do especially with control monitoring and surveillance and improvement, off scientific advice and on the basis or on our endeavor to fight illegal fishing. So all in all, we do believe that we are really the good guys in the area. Thank you. Nice summary. Thank you. Okay, s So let’s move on to the third of these and so over to you on. We’re talking here about Gambia. Yes. So the last thing that we would like order agreement practical. We want toe present. Thes the green with Gambia. The officials agreement between the European Union and the Gambia is run off the old creatures. I would say it was ever it was first time and I believe in 1987. And since then the last protocol was in 99 be six. In on the 11th of September 2018 negotiations were concluded with the initialization off a new agreement and protocol with the country fully aligned with the principles and objectives off the European Union common fisheries policy. The new agreement includes fishing opportunities for tuna par sinners and poorly lines and take one of the main elements included in the new agreement is the improvement off ocean governments. For this we have ah ah used our lets a power off convenience off convincing the the country concerned to become a number off. I cut us. This is a legal obligation set out in the new Smith Regulation which requires that our partners are members need to be members off the corresponding off the relevant Original Fishes Management Organization. Among other objectives. The new agreement to with the country is ah aiming toe help deter Are you practices fishing only the surplus and taking decisions based on the base scientific advice In order to improve fisheries management, The new agreement between the U. N. Gabi will also serve as an instrument to help the local economy. We believe it will create jobs and consolidate the new political leadership in the country. Thank you very much. Thank you, Madame Roussel. Microphone, please. Although the agreement eyes mainly focused on tuna, it also has provisions for deep water. The mussel species on That’s what I like to cut. How, um can we ensure that you fleet activities doesn’t disturb local fishing on how far were local fishing communities consulted during this procedure? Then on the measures the proposed measures are this is sufficient when it comes to data collection and monitoring on dhe officials, uh, see aunt. Also, the results have shown that deep water fish while are they being a sustainably managed on DDE, are people being properly trained to carry out the tasks that they need to do any other contributions? Microphone for the chair, please. In the past, it’s sometimes been said that the European fishing fleet arrives. It makes arrangements, will vote with a government where governance, honest governance is not necessarily uppermost in the minds of those in power, and local fishermen lose out because the big European fishing fleet takes all the fish. But that’s not happening anymore, promising us to do respond. Okay, I will respond to the technical questions regarding The Hague the merciless pieces. Yeah, any new positions start with what we call an extent evaluation, which has a thorough look at science. It we were then feast for headache. If the surgeons are some backup. The possibility to talk Akhil or target disease pieces, the local population. And I mean there are no local Fisher’s men that target Hey kd it. This is also one of the reasons way we a feast for headache or Fortuna because none of this is pieces is targeted by local fishermen. Otherwise we wouldn’t How are we going to guarantee that? A. The resources going to be since then you’d be feast. First of all, we know that we can target it because there are scientific reports from sick Off, which is a subregion organization that provides scientific advice that has proven the viability of facing headache. On the monitoring off these fisheries, we don’t be addressed a calf scientific committee also via the Joint Scientific Committee, we’re going to have not only a during committee, but also scientific committee That is part off the monitoring off these agreements that a R. Meeks or personal mixed as is the case of the Gambia Off servers. There’s an obligation in the covering agreement to have a scientific of Surber on birth off each Hey off, the visitors are going to be ableto fish for headache in the country well as the obligation to have a a percentage of the Q off local fish fishermen. So these are they? Hopefully they’re the technical answers to your questions. Thank you. Other. Any other contributions? Okay, then. So my thanks to the commission representatives for your presentations, I hope good guys is a gender neutral term that we can all enjoy an embrace. Um, thank you. Keep up the good work, not you. So then that would be a short break while we just check if the commission representative is here for the next debate early. He’s coming. Okay, three minutes. So we’ll we’ll start again at 5 16 05 Move. We just Exactly. That’s my you. That’s why I know why going you? A lot of money percentage, which is the biggest big person. What if you show it’s thank you. Because what? Because from Britain it’s okay that you could do me a sentence for your It’s I think yours is more so. Your friend Wasn’t it that nice? Against what? What? Let him So please take your seats again. Okay. Thank you colleagues. You’ll know that Yesterday the commission adopted emergency measures for the conservation off the Eastern Baltic cod. Um, you know that Isis published a report in May on advice State of the cod stocks was, well, very poor, critically poor. So let me hand over to the commission, Mr Freese. The floor is yours. Thank you, Chair. And let me start by introducing myself. I’m Ben had fees. I’m the director for, amongst other things, fisheries in tthe e Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic Sea in the gym at the European Commission. So, as you just said, the commission adopted yesterday emergency measures to stop directed fisheries on Eastern Body Court. This follows from a scientific advice that we received a t end of May from the intergovernmental, uh um, counsel off officially science isis, which basically alerted us. And the country is concerned. Tow the critical state off the eastern Baltic card stock that has been in decline for a while, but has now reached a point off very severe decline. The findings are essentially a CE. The scientists tell us, uh, that the the stock service now from a unsustainably low biomass. So the spawning biomass e the number of fish that is necessary to reproduce the stock. Um, on dhe therefore the capacity off the off the card stock to actually continue existing reproducing itself is now put in peril. The because is for For for this are of course, not certain, but likely to be in the area off. Both environmental factors. In other words, in plain language pollution in the Baltic Sea on dhe changes in the ecosystem that, in all likelihood the link to climate change in that situation, of course, a fishy officially as it has been conducted at fishing pressure. The officially may not be the road course, but certainly adds to the that study State of the stock. The spawning stop Obama’s is now at its historically lowest level. Andi, um, the over Obama’s is as low as it ever has been in scientific observation. The emergency measures essentially follow a procedure that is set out in the see if the regulation of 2013. As you know, um, they do basically one thing. They stop the order hold off directed fishery off the stock on the stock on DDE. In doing so, they try to be as as proportionate as he can be. In that situation s o, we have included a commission has included a number off exemptions for those kind of fisheries. That accessory that not directing targeting the stock, Um, and that are off a very limited impact. Uh, these are essentially three categories. These are coastal fisheries in waters close to the coast. Shallow waters in in the middle area off the board exceed its so called area 24. There are by catches off Hologic fisheries that don’t target the sock but target other of the species. And they are within a certain threshold, um, fish fishing activities by small scale vessels. The incidents off these catches is in the low single digit off. The already very reduced catches off the card stock in that area, so these measures will stay in place until the end of the year. As you may know, we have received again Advice from the ice is about the recommended fishing opportunities for 2020 onwards. They’re not encouraging, and the prospect on the whole off that fish off that stock is not not good. Um, so we believe that these measures are the best precautionary way off, trying to make sure that we can hopefully but not a certainty have rebuilt that fish stock. Well, I’m open to people wishing to speak, but can I just us? Oh, good. Okay. Can I ask the first question? Which is just how many fisherman fishes are affected immediately by this ban and does by affected. Does that mean they have to type their boats or does it simply move? They mean they moved to different fishing grounds. And then I’ll get the floor too. My vice chair, Mr God, and then to Mr um the, um the officials on the Eastern Body Court Stock car, of course. Have a certain regional center of crab Dean. Not all ate. Baltic countries are fishing the stock to the same extent. Some more, some less. Those that are mostly concerned those off littering year. Um, the figures show us that the off the total littering and fleet around 1\/4 depend on the on the on the eastern card stock. Ah, In some segments, these are met many more to 90% so that that can can be a have a significant impact on him. Similar but less severe for the Polish fleet. I’d be happy to give you quite precise tables about how many vessels and full time equivalent. So concerned. If you if you if you need that, will be happy to pass it on to the Secretariat so these boats will be tied up or did he simply moved to? Can they move to our fishing grounds? It’s not obvious for all off them that they can move on to new fishing grounds, so I would say that quite a number of them actually tied up. And what is more important, even, perhaps, is the long term press prospect if you have ah, fleet or a segment that relies on fishing specific stock and that stock is unlikely to recover for quite a while. That, of course, raises economic questions. Um, I should also say that under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, there is the possibility for national governments toe a sign, um, financial support. Tow those ah vessels and vessel operators who are affected by a temporary closure or by prohibition to fish. Um, these possibilities exist. They have not been fully used, so there’s a window off using these possibilities under the regulation. Still, in all the countries concerned on dhe, uh, we have bean in touch with them of course to try to make it easier for them to use that opportunity if they wish to do so. These are decisions that are not taken here in Brussels. They’re taken by the respective governments. Thank you Can attend to you, my colleague. I recognize that my Danish pronunciation is non existent. You’ve got to tell us. I don’t know. My name is sound, Gayle and I’m from things like and then off course. This is serious because I’m from from this country where this actually has an effect and we discussed it before. And this is a decision that will affect hundreds of families in there. They’re way off living. And I must say that if if you look into the Isis report it is they has assessed that if you made a total stop for fishing for the Eastern caught, it will and I quote, it’s estimated to result in only 4% higher spawning stockpile mets in 2020. So it is obvious that the eastern cart has a problem. But what I think is you could consider is that some part off those areas you have asked actually now restricted. If you take the western part off Subdivision 24 Isis. They also state that has the proposal off the Eastern court to be low. So I think you have. You have to take into consideration. Of course, we should take care off the off The court is in the eastern part, but I think the area it’s actually more or less closed is is to pick on Dad. I asked you to consider that when you look into what’s going to happen post now, but also after 2019 because this will affect associate a lot off a lot off fishermen in this area. So So I urge you to look into this subdivision there. 24. Thank you. That’s just clarify why at this is an emergency closure and therefore that last for six months. But the proposal will be that, you know, from the from the scientists that there be no tack for the foreseeable future. This is a permanent closure until you achieve what you optimistically described the report as a rapid return of the stock too, and above that, Miss y levels did not German. Yes, that’s correct. So this is an emergency closure that will last indeed, Thio until the end of the year, at which point the new fishing opportunities regulation will kick in. That needs to be decided by the Council of Ministers. As you know, in October, um, as such, you’re was right in saying that the scientific device clearly tells us that the emergency measures if we start pushing now, um, we’ll have a limited impact, but they will have an effect. We considered that the situation is as diet is so dire that even a limited improvement it’s worth trying, uh to achieve. We have tried toe stuck to the majors in a way that is proportionate. So that tries to limit the side effects on fisheries that are not directly fishing court through the three exemptions that I that I mentioned in my representation, Uh, because it would perhaps be probably be disproportionate to, you know, take away a tea stall fisheries that have a very, very low bycatch rate. Um, on on your point on area 24 the science tells us if I’m correct, inform that 75 75% off 3\/4. A whole court catches in that area are taken from the eastern stock. So the stock that we talking about here. So if you take a precautionary approach and you take the area as a whole, which is something we have to do um it seems that this is this is the right approach. The emergency measures cover on, in fact, all areas 24 25 26. So we have not included the more northern words areas of the Baltic Sea where there is very little stock. So that’s another way of trying to really be targeted on. As I mentioned, we try toe in area 24 exclude those that can be, you know, in an operational way and in a controllable way, singled out, which are those that are close to shore and in shallow waters. So that’s a start. You can go now. But as you rightly say, the rial and more long term discussion needs to be needs to be had. Ah, very, very sincerely when we analyze the advice for 2020 onwards and which, as you, as you rightly say, is zero catches on when we enter into the discussions in the council where this needs to be decided in the end, thank you very much. Just as small remark again. But Isis also say that is in the western part off this area. 24 there’s not the court. The Eastern card stock is not. It’s not there as I read it, but and then another point. As your state, I mean, all this would inflict a lot of people, and it is less than 4%. So I’m just saying, You know, if if if this is going to be the way to deal with these issues, there will be other parts in Europe will be hammered in the years to come. Uh, so So I think it is important to look into it, a kind of holistic way. But it’s also other things that can be done not just to close and remove. People say, living, so to speak. Come back in a moment, please. Commission Mr Connected us also. You know Stuart So mostly, I just like to expressly support what my Danish colleague has said. We can’t just worry about the East. We need to think about all of the competition pressure towards the West that this measure will call us. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more fissures heading towards the western Baltic now as a result of it, Yes, and they’ll be wanting to fish the Western stock, and this will have ramifications. So my question, then really ties in with my colleague just said a moment ago. Shouldn’t Area 24 have been treated maybe differently, and that would’ve maybe reduced that pressure. I think it’s good for the Eastern Baltic called this step and also very much welcome. What the commission representatives said about possible exemptions are exceptions, but we do need to ask ourselves not just because of proportionality, but whether there’s some sort of possible discrimination involved. It could lead to complaints, say, against vessels of a larger size. My question maybe would be whether the commission could explain how they intend to deal with this and whether the illegal protection against this complaints of discrimination thank you so commission possible shift from east to West. And that just puts pressure on the Western stock on DA possibility of you were favoring some fleet. Some countries of over others, yes, thank you for these questions. So on the question of a possible shift toe into the Western card stock, as as you know, the Western card stock has its own history off off troubles in that case, probably caused more by overfishing than by the very dire environmental conditions under which the stock suffers from in the in the eastern area. The decoders for the Western stock happened. We used over the years toe be in line with what is still responsible level of fisheries. Of course, these quotas exist, And so it is not possible for a fisherman coming from another area. Just tow ship sailed to the western part of the body. CSI and fish fish on a different stock. They need to have quarter for that. And the quarters are in a fishing opportunist regulation. Ah, in line with it is Ah, precautionary. Uh, miss y. Based officially on the western stock. So if you have quota, you can fish. If you don’t, you can’t. That’s a pretty simple reality off that. Off that situation. Um, on coming back to the question off, um, howto handle area 24. I’m very happy to get into going to go with you into ah, more detailed reading off the off the off the isis advice that we that we request it actually real aggressive. Very specific advice for these emergency measures as well. On top of the the regular catch advice, Um, we re decided differently very differently. We think that it’s difficult in an operational way to distinguish between parts off the western part of the Western, off that area in the eastern part. Um, we think that if we have even only a limited opportunity now off improving the the size of the sporting stalk biomass at this point of time, we need to take it. Take it. And most precautionary thing is to actually close the fishery in the whole area, but very happy to go into the details line by line reading off the off the scientific twice, which is a quite substantial, documented and very technical. So we have course asked for specific device. You have analyzed it. We discussed it with officially experts in the member countries concerned, and that’s that’s our eating. That’s what the commission has has adopted yesterday and courts and off target Zinta. Just one quick follow up question all of theokoles for the Western. That’s that would be, for instance, that Polish the Baltic countries have their fully exhausted are could they possibly be considered? Are there any quotas left over. That’s I would think, but I have to check that. Have to get back to you that the quota off the Western court will be fished out. Men were, of course, in the middle of the year. Right. So, um, this is still half a year to go, and, um, I I don’t think that the the official men who can benefit from these quota, um, will leave a lot over in the current situation anyway. So that is simply the the distribution off fishing quota, which traditionally have in the western part of Odyssey, benefited countries like Denmark, Germany, Sweden, on in the eastern part of the Baltic benefited Poland, Lithuania and other countries with some smaller parts of the quarter. Also on the respective other side in each in each case. So I’m afraid that there may not be very much flexibility, but that’s an informed guess. More than Ah, a 100% reliable answer. No, the minute be very much flexibility of shifting quota toe other recipients. But if you wish we can, we can check that and give you a precise figure again off the current quarter uptake. Uh, that would be welcome. Thank you. Can I ask you allow a bycatch of up to 10% card, I think for fishermen seeking other other other stalks prey. How do you enforce that? 10%. Yes. So this concerns one of the three exceptions. So there’s exceptions favor of small scale fishermen well below a certain size of the off the vessel. Um, that is a matter off controlling it is a matter off officials control, which is insured by our member countries. And each member country has its own control authorities and making Enitem and of course, people encourage them and make sure that this is being controlled and monitored. Ah, but that’s the same as supplies for any for any quota. Take across the board. Perhaps the final question for me, then, is simply you’ve introduced emergency measures. The expectation is that you’ll be recommending to the ministers, um, that this be extended in the new year on be a total ban on on the fishing of code. If you did know introduce these measures, what would happen to the stock? So in India now, hypothetical scenario that the Commission would not have adopted the official as close as we have it now, as it was yesterday. Um, if you read the scientific advice, we would have a slightly more negative evolution off. He’s boning stock, Thomas. So what the Isis has told us is that the stock has really difficulty actually reproducing itself. The size of fish that you find this is very small. It’s no longer a cord like this, but mainly to organize Pandey to organize can still spawn to some extent, but it’s very erratic. Um, so we would have a few percentage points. Even worse situation than then we have. We are in a bit off if I may use plain language environmental crisis here, Uh, and, uh, I would if you may allow myself come back to what you said about looking at the at the systemic aspect off this. Um, we are in a situation where we have a declining fish stock for quite a number of reasons that not even in the first place have to do with this too much past fisheries, but with pollution and with with probably a good degree off good does of climate change. And, uh, what we’re trying to do this toe, make sure that this fish took us in that very difficult situation. The best possible opportunity off replenishing itself without actually going into a catastrophic decline that might eventually lead to the complete loss off the off the card stock in the Baltic Sea. Yes, Mrs Kale. Thank you. I actually would like to us, especially about this or explicitly about that, because, I mean, you’re talking about giving a break to card for a couple of months, which is not march looking, how how disastrous the situation is. But then, of course, the question is, what happens afterwards? I mean, all this factor is the environmental problems. They will not go away within a couple of months. So what’s your plan in order to follow up and make sure that the overall situation improves for the card thing? Okay. I mean, this goes slightly beyond my my my my professional brief, but I’m happy to attempt an answer. Um, climate change in home, you have to tackle it very, very quickly. By the way, he the, um, intergovernmental Panel for four climate change, the I P. C. C. Will issue a report on the on the oceans. Onda Cyrus, Fear satisfied being the frozen frozen part of the earth. So the Poles and the the high mountain glaciers in September. As you know, the what we know from reading the draft is that it’s it’s not going to be good news on many fronts. So this phenomenon off declining fish stocks or fish stocks migrating away from where they are, which is which is across difficult the Baltic Sea because of the close, see, is something that I’m afraid we’ll have to get used to. We are right in the middle off these effects of climate change already. If you read the draft of that report, public will be able to read it in September. So if you ask me, what to do is to take very, very urgent and severe measures to address. Climate change is the very first thing. Secondly, address The pollution of Baltic Sea and that again is something that spans beyond my department. Of course, it’s something that needs to be done on a wider scale, but I think it spans a city may allow myself saying so. The remit off this committee, Maybe the issue should be discussed in the Committee for Agriculture for Environment. Actually, so If if we look at the phenomenon, it calls for a systemic, systemic approach. What we can remedy here with these Imagine the measures is in the first place. Actually, the officials component. I’m afraid to say that this is probably in that case, not in all cases, but in that specific case, one that is not even in the first place responsible for the decline. So there is a lot to do to try to prevent these kinds off disasters from happening. Well, you’ve used the word disaster and catastrophe. It’s not our job to make life easy for you, of course. Um and of course, his issues of pollution and climate. But you also talked about the size of the card, and now you know, I’m no expert, but I thought Card didn’t reach his full fertility until he’s about seven years old and therefore quite quite a size. So if we got to the point where we’re catching fish virtually before it’s had a chance to to reproduce, why haven’t we taken action before now? Yes, you’re right. So actually called matures slowly along living species. It needs to reach quite a number of years to be fully reproductive doesn’t include those excluded so that it can reproduce a younger age. But of course, much more sporadically, less, much less reliably. Um, what have you done in the past? We have tried over time to reduce. Ah, the, um, fishing intensity off. We’ll talk in the Eastern policy as well as in the western Baltic Sea. Um, remember, you may remember that three years ago we reduced the quota for the rest of politics caught by. It was 60 70% in one goal just to bring it in line with what was apparently a rather severe situation. A little over fishing. Um, we have done so last year in the in the council. You also know that the eventual decisions on fishable quotas on so called attack total allowable catches are taken by the Council of Ministers and not by the commissioner. Um, the commission has each year ah, put forward a proposal in line with scientific advice. The council has sometimes taken a decision that was slightly different for reasons that I’m not going to comment on, um but again, um, the point that we also learned from the isis advice is that apparently the root cause off. This decline is not entirely in the main off fishing opportunities, but it is also due to other factors which are to be addressed in different ways, some of them in a very complex way. And so the actual fisheries management is one tool we have, but not not the only one. Thank you. Unless there’s anyone else who wishes to come in. Think we’ve explored that quite exhaustively, but I think we also, uh, commission representatives there, you know, again, those words catastrophe, disaster. We don’t want to be here again. Um, it’s really important that the commission speaks up early. And if ministers or anyone, this parliament’s ministers are not taking the action, that’s necessary. And you know that at the very least, you know, you’ve got a You got to speak up very loudly because we do. We just don’t want to be here again. Thank you. Thanks. Well, in that case, thank you very much indeed for your presentation, Are you? Yes, indeed. Right. The next item deal is concerning I you you fisheries. And because we don’t want thio, give away any secrets. This will not be Web streamed. And I have to ask members of the public to to leave the room now, as this will be held in camera, so we’ll take a couple minutes, break and resume again in three, well, three or four minutes.