50 useful mental models for any lobbyist

I’ve listed the most useful mental models – rules of thumb – I use in my day to day work.
I’ll develop the list over time.
  1. 80/20 Principle.
  2. 95/5 – Pareto Principle +
  3. Be a shepherd – safety travel the journey many times.
  4. Don’t rely on Your National Flags.
  5. Don’t rely on Party Cards.
  6. Don’t play by other political capital rules, they don’t work here.
  7. Read the sign posts.
  8. The Numbers (Votes) are what counts.
  9. Rely on data, not your gut.
  10. Draw on recent history.
  11. Stick to your Circle of Competence.
  12. First Principles Thinking. Go back to basics.
  13. Step in at the right time, with the right people, to the right people, with the right information.
  14. Denial is not a strategy.
  15. Inertia to change is the norm.
  16. Internal Sabotage to progress is the norm.
  17. Compound trust.
  18. Catalyst for change.
  19. Civility and decency are superpowers
  20. Use Values .
  21. Perform Mind jumps.
  22. Practice Detachment.
  23. Garbage in, garbage out.
  24. See the big picture, step out, then step back in and see the granular details
  25. Be comfortable with complexity, but…Communicate clearly (a superpower)
  26. Be able to hold different ideas in your heads at the same time.
  27. Transparency
  28. Be decent and honest.
  29. Trust but verify.
  30. Ego is the enemy.
  31. Ignore the margins,
  32. Communicate clearly, or fail
  33. Get out of the inner dialogue.
  34. Don’t focus on your naval.
  35. Don’t proselytise..
  36. You can’t convert all.