3 things to watch on environmental policy the week ahead

Three things to watch on environmental policy next week.

  1. On Tuesday, the names of the Commissioner-designates should be announced.

I’m interested in seeing who gets the vice-presidency role in climate and environment. This piece in the FT, Spanish candidate in frame for EU’s top competition job, on Teresa Ribera being switched to Competition after concerns from some is worth a read.

2.  The Mission Letters should soon follow. They’ll give a good idea of the specific legislative files and other initiatives to come out the door.


3. The ECHA RAC and SEAC will return to work on  the massive PFAS REACH Restriction file and a lot more (16-20 September 2024, 69fb3b1b-7cd7-e8bb-04ed-b85b0bb087db). They’ll work on:

  • Textiles, upholstery, leather, apparel, carpets (TULAC);
  • Food contact materials and packaging; and
  • Petroleum and mining

This Week – Looking Back


What surprised me was the cross-party support for the MRL challenges on 12 September (see here) in the ENVI Committee.


The most useful read was the Commission’s reply to the Ombudsman on managing REACH Authorisations and Restrictions. Pages 9-17 are super useful for those of you working on the nitty-gritty of Commission procedures.



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