12 Thing You Need to Win

I’ve tried to put down in one simple checklist why Public Affairs/lobbying is hard. You can’t get just one thing right, you have to get a lot of core things right (see below), and usually at the same time. If you get one thing wrong, you are likely going to fail. And, at the end … Read more

3 things to watch on environmental policy the week ahead

Three things to watch on environmental policy next week. On Tuesday, the names of the Commissioner-designates should be announced. I’m interested in seeing who gets the vice-presidency role in climate and environment. This piece in the FT, Spanish candidate in frame for EU’s top competition job, on Teresa Ribera being switched to Competition after concerns from … Read more

First ENVI Comitology Challenge tabled

This morning, the first comitology challenges were tabled and adopted in the 3rd meeting of the ENVI Committee. What was surprising was the cross-party support for the challenges on MRLs. Only the EPP abstained. The ECR and PfE joined the more traditional coalition of the Left, Greens, Renew and S&D. The vote in the Plenary … Read more