The Right to Commit Political Suicide

Most countries have legalised the right of an person to committ suicide (e.g here). These laws do not allow you to drag down innocent passer-by’s in your actions or to encourage others to perform the act. Over 25 years, I’ve wtinessed many organisations and people committ political suicide. Often in public. It is never pretty. … Read more

Some of my favourite Books

A short selection of my some of the books that I think are the best in their area. Campaigning Chris Rose and Saul Alinsky are bibles. Luntz and Lakoff help you think better and differently. Issenberg shows your power of technology for campaigns.     Influence Cialdini’s work on influencing is a most read. You’ll … Read more

What can you do to get to officials and politicians to agree with you

A lot of people – both  NGOs and Industry –  get surprised when officials and politicians don’t agree with them. The impression of many lobbyists  is that when they, or their client,  meet an  official or politician, they will be so convincing, through  a combination of their physical presence and persuasive oratory,  that the  official/politician … Read more