What does it take to be a good chemical lobbyist

Simon Terwagne prepared this visual for a recent talk at the ULB. It mirrors the journey that anyone who seeks to develop mastery of their craft. The parallel’s to George Leonard’s Mastery are striking.  The path to excellence is told by many. Steven Kotler’s Gnar Country, and Anders Ericsson’s The Road to Excellence.     … Read more

A use case for AI – screening the questions

ChatGPT is like a research assistant who, as long as you give them reasonably clear instructions, will provide you with a clear response quickly. Here is a small test looking at the questions raised on chemicals, etc, for the Commissioner-designate hearings.   I checked the answers. They were nearly correct. Chat GPT was quicker than … Read more

How to work out tough questions

When a client asks me to find a solution to a tough question, I use one of the following approaches, and often combine them. Go for a long walk: Going for a walk, in nature, with trees, is one of the best ways to find answers. For reasons I don’t understand, when the mind is … Read more